Mulan - I applaud your self sacrifice regarding your elderly parents. No easy task, and I hope you find a workable solution for all concerned so that you will "get your life" back someday.
I watched my dad literally age a decade in about a year when he had to care for his parents who were in their 90's. My mom supported him in what needed to be done, but really had to put up with a lot of neglect, thankless - hard work, etc.
The other issue called to mind an elder's meeting we had years ago with the visiting CO (Black brother whose attitude and voice mannerisms reminded me of Mr. T - anyone know who I am talking about?) He asked the group if it would be OK if a young brother of 19 who could not afford his own place moved in with an elderly sister of 90 who also needed some assistance. The correct answer was 'NO". Turns out the there were eventually "caught" fornicating and were d'fd.
I wonder if the story would have gotten as much play if it involved a December - December match up, instead of March - December?
Best wishes to you and your family. I enjoy your posts.