How good are JW doctrine Scholars?

by Spectrum 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Spectrum

    Are JW scholars world class academics in their field or do they just start from a desired end belief and work backwards weaving an intricate lie in the process?

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee
    Are JW scholars world class academics in their field or do they just start from a desired end belief and work backwards weaving an intricate lie in the process?

    From what I have been reading lately the last "scholar was Franz. From what they are churning out in the last few years the extent of their present research is to go through their old literature and do weak rewrites, slap a new title on it thad push it out for people to get rid of. I really doubt any of them went to post-secondary education. I certainly don't think any of them has studied religion to theology at any accredited college or university. Just looking at the level of reading skill that the litterature no true theology or religious professor would ever consider this "academic"

  • Narkissos

    To my knowledge there are was never any Bible or theological scholar behind the WT doctrine. The closest to a Bible scholar I heard of (here on JWD, btw) is Rolf Furuli (Oslo University) and, although he seems to be an elder (implying that the WT trusts him), I doubt he has contributed anything significant to the making or modification of WT doctrine -- from what I gathered he mostly works as a private JW apologist.

  • Spectrum

    I suppose if the message in the bible is simple then you don't need scholars to interpret it. But that is not the way that the WTS presents the situation. They present it as a scholarly exercise for which they can only partake and yet they are not qualified themselves in high open thought.

    The JWD member Scholar seems to be convinced that the WTS is reeming with world class scholars.

  • stillajwexelder

    According to scholar they are "celebrated"

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee
    The JWD member Scholar seems to be convinced that the WTS is reeming with world class scholars

    Well according to what he has been told by the WTS reading WT litterature is the equivalent of a university degree

  • IronClaw

    Please show me ONE scholar among them?

  • IP_SEC

    JW and scholar doesnt belong in the same sentence.

    Unless its how scholar signs his posts (scholar JW). Even that is open to ridicule.


    If you want to see a world cl-ASS sholar in action, view the circular works of our own resident JW Scholar.

  • Spectrum

    I getting the feeling that JWs don't have scholars!!

    I used to believe that JW "scholars" were the only ones that could understand the bible correctly. I put this down mainly due to me knowing more about the message in the bible than the average non JW and the usual things like christmas being pagan. I had only contempt for christendom's scholars as they couldn't see something as simple as the pagan origins of some celebrations and if the could they just brushed it under the carpet. That left me feeling that the JW scholars were superior.

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