I must admit to a certain curiosity and fear on these subjects. I have read books written by witches that scared the hell out of me. Maybe they were sensationalising their experiences but it certainly wasn't about getting at one with mother nature. I'll have to visit the library and get them out again to refresh my memory.
I've never met a Satanist (apart from one or two on the service years ago) but a friend of mine went out with one for a while. She says he used to nip out a lot late at night and leave her on her own so she pleaded to go with him. He took her to some dark secluded spot in the countryside and she waited at a distance while they acted pretty weird and was so terrefied she never asked to go again. A close friend of his told her to be careful cos he had done some awful things and she decided the romance had got too weird and broke it off. She says he took it well but freaked her out by saying he would always know where she was and would look out for her. Do you think he was having her on?
I don't know what to think really.
I'd like to believe these seemingly harmless definitions but my biblical upbringing is hard to shake off.
If Satanism is just selfishism isn't that the type of hedonistic spirit Satan would be delighted to see?
Still confused.