How often do you bathe?

by BlessedStar 110 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • kid-A

    I wonder what inspired this rant?

    Was wondering that myself! I have only ever encountered 2 categories of people that dont shower at least daily 1) the homeless or 2) the deceased.

    Having said that, if one does not shower and change underwear daily, this will eventually place you in category 1, thereby hastening your transition to category 2, at which

    point showering and changing underwear will likely be a redundancy.

  • BlessedStar

    LOL proph!!!

    I was looking at "Fat Camp" on MTV the other day and there was this particular girl who decided she would not bathe for a couple of days because her bunk mates told her she was smelling "stink".

    Now the manner in which they told her was rather hurtful and would make anyone cry and get angry. But the truth does hurt - yet there are better ways to tell people that they need a bath.

    How would you go about doing this?


  • Elsewhere

    Me... every day! I can't stand the feeling of not being washed.

    Since many Indian and Arab people work in the technology that I work in, I've found that new arrivals to the US don't bath every day. This results in some VERY strong odors floating around until they learn that bathing once a week is not sufficient!

    There is nothing better then a nice hot bubbly bath, with a drink and my favorite music playing loud so I sing along as I splash about

    And its even more fun with someone else is in the tub with you!

  • LittleToe

    So we have TV to thank for this? Ohh, the modern age!!!!

  • AlmostAtheist

    I just ran my finger all about my ear and grabbed a little neck while I was there, just to be safe. It all smells fine*, but now I gotta figure out how to get all this MUCK off my finger! *wipe finger on pants*


    * "fine" I'm sure means different things to different people. Oaky, with a hint of decomposition is fine with me!

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    Geez oww, what’s the matter with you people? Bathing twice daily? You’ve got to be kidding me right?

    Personally I shower on average once a week. I usually change my underwear every other day or there a bouts. It really depends on time of year and what type of activity I’m involved in. Of course when physically active or in the summer time when sweating more I shower more frequently.

    Right now I think that I’m going on about two weeks since my last shower though (checking calendar). Yeah, that’s right; it’s been almost two weeks (Super Bowl Sunday). I guarantee that no one on this forum would have a clue if they were sitting next to me right now.

    Hearing "cleanliness is next to godliness" pretty much destroyed my sence of hygene. LOL

  • BlessedStar

    Ohh, the modern age!!!!

    No it has nothing to do with TV. It is a well known fact and some countries are well aware of this bad unhealthy habit.


  • MerryMagdalene


    ? ?



  • ButtLight

    Yep, once a day here. Sometimes change my "thongs" twice a day. (and dont give me no crap about my thongs either!)

  • LittleToe

    A habit is something you do on a regular basis without thinking about it. Shawering daily would be a habit, or even apractice, if you think a little bit more about it and do it ritually

    What's the name for something that you regularly omit to do?

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