I certainly count my time while I am on this forum and put it on my time slip at the end of the month
Please don't judge dear friends but I'll be pioneering next month...
by stillAwitness 100 Replies latest jw friends
So a fluff thread is like going on a call you know will not be in that is way out in the country - great time waster
Good luck to you stilla, rather you than me. I'm glad I'm not in a position to get guilted into doing that anymore.
The Cutlass Supreme from the 80's rocked!!!! Hey, if there's any judgement I'll make about you Stilla its that you must be one cool chick. I'd be very tempted to spend the cash savings on restoring and pimping that ride. If that was a Buick Regal T Type, I would have definitely blown the whole wad on tricking it out like the Buick Grand National. Total waste of your money. Disregard the whole post except for what I think of you.
hey guys when you say stilla do you mean me as in stillajwexelder or StillA as in StillAWitness
Awww..you guys are being so supportive..and I thought you would of deemed me as unworthy for being a member of the JWD family anymore.
P.S..I think it is safe to say that I and stillajwexelder and I would like to clarify that I am "StillA" and he is "stilla"
By the way..anybody wanna buy a car...its old but she's still kicking!
P.S Hey collegegurl! Good to know we are in the same boat! I'll PM you later
I don't really think it will make much difference when I do decide to leave. I know my mom will be really hurt. That is what I fear the most. But not the elders or anyone else..just me hurting her.
I understand perfectly. I plodded along as best I could until I graduated college at age 22. I got my first "real" (money making) job and moved out six months later. Six months after that, my meeting attendance had stopped completely to the point where I was called on it by my family. I told them I just couldn't make myself be a witness anymore. Mom said in kind voice, "But, you'll be destroyed." I told her that was okay with me. I didn't want to live forever. They sent elders to my door, to which I did not answer.
My family stopped talking to me for a good six months. I expected it to be forever, even though it was heartbreaking. They slowly came around. First, I would meet them to eat once in a while. Then, I would come over for dinner once in a while. Now, it is really weird how much they are willing to associate with me. I talk to my sisters several times a week, and my mom once a week. I am very open about not being a witness. It has been five years now.
When you leave, you cannot avoid hurting your mom, but she has to take responsiblity for her own feelings and you, yours. When you do finally leave, I guarantee you it will be the hardest thing you ever do, but you will live through it, and it is very possible that your relationship with your mom will bare the storm, too. I promise you, it will be worth it in the end. I'm sure I don't have to tell you this, but living a lie is the worst feeling in the world.
The things we have to do for money. $20,000 for 50 hours work, that's pretty good pay, I think it is worth it. Make sure you have fun, bludge a lot, count time you didn't actually do, stop off in cafe's and have coffee counting time. Then you will be a real pioneer and also have our respect.
Maybe you could keep track of the houses that seemed interested, and later, incognito, you could be sure to mail them (or stick one on the door )one of the many "what every JW should be asked" papers that you can find every where on the internet. Then maybe they would be prepared for some serious questions when the JWs return! And you could claim that time as time spent witnessing! Who knows? It could ultimately accomplish the enlightenment of one of the JWs you are with, maybe even your Mom! I kind of see the point of buying a cheaper car, because it is a conflict of interest. But if you are determined to do it, maybe you could use it as a way to try to prevent members, rather than gain them. After all, you Do want to spread the TRUTH, right?
Frannie Banannie
StillA, so sorry you've been put in this position, cher! I'd be very careful about putting anything in writing or in a mag that's anti-jdubya, since you'll be placing pubs face-to-face with people. You never know when you might place that "bomb" with someone who's related to a jdubya and word could get back about what you're doing.