Post-It notes with and and and pasted to the inside cover of the watchtower make excellent gifts to householders.
Ask for a sunroof and maybe a nice set of spinners.
by stillAwitness 100 Replies latest jw friends
Post-It notes with and and and pasted to the inside cover of the watchtower make excellent gifts to householders.
Ask for a sunroof and maybe a nice set of spinners.
Oooops...I meant to say "StillA" and how she had good taste in cars (both old and new). Not that I don't think you're cool "stilla". I like your taste in avatars.
Maybe you could come up with something to sell at the doors... I dunno amway or something or maybe some of the local business would pay you to talk about their products! Then just go to doors by yourself and try to make some money!
Pioneering so you can get a car from Mommy dearest.......sorta puts a whole new spin on the phrase "PIMP MY RIDE!"
Everyone has their price...
If you can live with it... here's to ya!
Yeah to phone witnessing!! Yes... run up your cell phone minutes to show just how Theocraticâ„¢ you're being!! It's even got the built in convenience of showing exactly how much time you spent in Serviceâ„¢!!!
Play their system against the, Still. They do it all the time and call it theocratic strategy. Here's to you getting the car of your dreams.
Ring the screws above and below the doorbell...early morning witnessing should be informally done in stores you want to shop in...
You can really enjoy your "serve-us" if you put your mind to it. Have fun and don't report your activity to us until after you have the car (just in case) !
Post-It notes with and and and pasted to the inside cover of the watchtower make excellent gifts to householders.
I'm all for this suggestion! Tape a sheet inside each magazine telling how destructive the JWs can be to families, and how they let children die from blood transfusions! You'll prevent those people from joining the JW religion, and inform the uninformed! That would make your "pioneering" time useful instead of wasted!
Just play the game. Your time will come.