Can't you count your time here? I know the trolls must be counting their time. You are doing much more good being here with us.
Please don't judge dear friends but I'll be pioneering next month...
by stillAwitness 100 Replies latest jw friends
You could always put an insert inside the magazines saying to put them in the trash as soon as you leave!
johnny cip
it wasn't said to be mean. just my personnal stance. if you do it , go for the shiney 2 door coupe. john
I'm not one to "judge" you: I was a special pioneer down to the very day when I was df'd. And for the last few months I even did it for nothing. I just used the Bible only and abstained from the WT "specifics".
Your situation of course is different, and I'd just ask the following question fwiw: sooner or later you will probably have to "come out" in front of your parents; do you think the "token of zeal" you are considering to give them now will make the explanation easier or harder?
Ak-Jeff: Why dont you just say you are "phone witnessing" and fake it? You arent really going to stand in the street peddling that crap are you? For that amount of
public humiliation, I hope its at least going to be a Mercedez Sports Coupe CLK !!!! LOL
Actually here is what I drive now (nicely equipped with features such as a gasket that needs to be replaced, worn out brake pads plus, it leaks so much oil that I bet Bush would declare war on me if he could:
Good luck stilla, hope you get a really good car.
Would I do it? Nope, not a chance in hell.
I can't make myself go to someones house and lie to them, I can't. The thought of doing so makes me feel sick, the last few times that I had made plans to go door to door I got up and felt physically ill, I got dizzy and felt like I was gonna throw up, at this point I won't even do street work.
I do understand why you want to do it tho, so I wish you luck.
do you think the "token of zeal" you are considering to give them now will make the explanation easier or harder?
You can count any comment you leave on any post I make as an RV if that will help.
Make sure there are no other strings attached to the car once you get it. I had friends who had their vehicles yanked or weren't allowed to use the car "just for fun" because their hours dropped. -
Good question. I don't really think it will make much difference when I do decide to leave. I know my mom will be really hurt. That is what I fear the most. But not the elders or anyone else..just me hurting her.
hey stilla,
It sucks to live with jw parents. I can understand. My parents have said i have to aux. pioneer this summer or no more support from them. I'm not sure how I'll get out of it, but we will see. You have to use the resourses available to you. I recomend going to the door by your self so you don't actually ring the bell and talk to others, thats what I do. Or I go with people who have lots of RV's, and I sit in the car I've been thinking about printing of a little pamplet to put inside the mags, but i'm to afraid my parents will borrow a mag and find it. good luck, I hope you get a good car for your efforts.