Hi Argcampeon: In a congregational setting, the purpose is to up-build, extol, and support one another in a common spiritual bond. So, extensive debates and arguments over various technical matters are not appropriate in these situations.
In a public forum, such as JWD, we have people who are Christian and non-Christian, Atheist, Agnostic, Deist, Theist, and whatever else can be imagined. We have older folks, younger, mature, immature, educated, not educated, victims of various kinds of abuse, and those never so victimized, wealthy, poor, various races, nations, and cultures, Democrats, Republicans, Liberals, and Conservatives.
In such a forum, we are not in a congregational, spiritual, religious or Christian setting per se. While the 'theme' is all about the Watch Tower organization and the teachings, practices, doctrine, history, and policies of Jehovah's Witnesses, the ground is ripe and fertile for almost any type of discussion, debate, argument, and fight. With that comes misunderstanding and even acting irratinally at times. Feelings get hurt, but I find that the vast majority resolve these, and are the better for it. And to think we can accomplish all this with such a mix of people - without the guidance, wisdom, and counsel of Jehovah's Witness Elders.
Not all of it is healthy, but my overall observation is that we have a very good group of responsible people who do their best to make meaningful discussion, bring out informative material, and who do what they were denied doing as JWs: They "Think" and "Express" their own unique and personal opinion. We are all free to disagree or find common ground on which to agree, cause one another to "Re-Think", and maybe "Change" opinions on occasion. In this regard, the JWD forum is a social paradise. (No pun intended - - Amazing