Not sure what my sexual orientation has to do with the usefulness of this board. I openly acknowledge my homosexuality and the fact that being homosexual certainly played into the decisions I have made regarding the Watchtower organization. However, as I have pointed out before, homosexuality was not the central issue that was involved in my leaving the organization, hypocrisy was.
Arg infers that I deceive people. I would like to see evidence on any of my posts where I try to deceive anyone.
The message of my posts are simple. LIVE LIFE, love others, do what you can to make the world a better place. Is that deceitful?
I urge people to make the most of their lives and if there is a future reward great, but not to make the future reward the focus of their goals.
As I have said many times, my goal is not to get people to stop being Jehovah's Witnesses if they are happy as a witness. If the Witness life is fulfilling to you then you should by all means put your heart and soul into being a Witness. When it was fulfilling to me, I put my heart and soul into it. When it stopped being fulfilling to me, I stopped focusing my efforts there.
Based on my experience, I don't think the witness life is fulfilling to very many people. If it was, they would be happier. If going to meetings 5 times a week and going in field service made people truly happy then the Watchtower Society would not have to constantly be urging people to do it and to not pursue careers, hobbies, family activities and education that people find more fulfilling and which makes them happier.
No, instead, the Watchtower uses fear of being ostracized and fear of destruction along with guilt to keep people involved. Fear and guiltridden unfulfilled people are not happy.
This board is useful in that it provides a choice for Jehovah's Witnesses to see the experiences and thoughts of those who have found life to be more fulfilling outside of the Watchtower organization. It is their choice whether to come here and read what we have to say. It is their choice as to whether they remain a Jehovah's Witness or not.
No idea presented here goes unchallenged, no matter which side of the argument it is coming from. There are witnesses or at least pseudowitnesses who defend the Watchtower's position. Plus, the Watchtower itself defends it's position weekly in its publications.
This site allows a free discussion of the positions of both sides without either side being edited or monitored. It is therefore enormously useful.