It's been some time since I first saw this. It still completley grosses me out
Elder video is up~
by alamb 206 Replies latest jw friends
Besides all that was already mentioned, I could not believe he denied toward the end that there is an organization manual!!! Besides the custody materials that we all know the society has made all congregation members aware of by way of letters read to the congregation from Brooklyn, all baptized members receive the OM book. So many things in this video were blatantly inaccurate, from an application perspective and every witness knows it. Disfellowshipping is not only a congregation matter. It very much impacts the family unit. GRRRRRR.....
The judge had a copy of the custody packet on his desk also. The lies showed. A rare glimpse at documented Theocratic War Strategy.
Shunning is still an issue. For the newbies.
Good grief.
Wow wow wow! Just when I thought I'd seen it all. There is no end to the lies and bullshit. Bumping this one for those who haven't seen it - wait for the very end : outright and utter lie.
JW GoneBad
Who ever said that Elders don't lie?
A very good thread and a must read!