Little Toe----I'm not sure if you are just having fun or what, maybe a little of both. I am fascinated with the unconscious mind. You use the word subconscious and it seems to be a word which is interchangeable with the unconscious. Subconscious is what is in our mind without you being aware of it. Unconscious can be the result of an accident. We are unable to see, hear or otherwise sense what is going on. The subconsious seems to be one level above the unconscious. The subconscious often speaks when we least expect it. The freudian slip comes to mind. The unconscious is on a deeper level. It often plays itself out in our dreams. Either way, our mind never really sleeps. Even those in an unconscious state, such as surgery, will often be affected by what the doctors talked about in the operating room. The subconcious, unconscious mind should be listened to. There is where our true consciousness lies.