I just awoke from a 2 hour nap full of vivid dreams. It's been a hectic week, and my subconscious mind needed to tackle some stuff. More food for thought:
The disbelieving rational mind speaks loud in the ear of the actively conscious being. It covers up every instance of the subconscious interaction by an iron-fast stranglehold that subdues all passion. Numbed of it's outlet, the ego feeds itself, resulting in holistic harm.
Like it or not we are greater than the sum of our parts. When we intentionally disable part of a perfectly functioning machine, the results may not been seen for some time, but eventually chaos results. Have you ever seen the result of bad sectors high up on a harddrive, that are never noticed until you finally fill the disk that far?
It's far more subtle than ice-cream droppings, much as that might exasperate. Our brains have evolved to seek patterns in things. When we see certain arrangements of symbols we automatically go on a quest at the subconscious level to find meaning. In the case of Tarot cards the right archetypes are drawn out and we respond according to a mix of pre-programming and conditioned response.
Much of religion has been designed to inspire. Where does that "feeling" of inspiration come from if not the subconscious mind? We can't look at a sunset and say "that's a perfect combination of red hues therefore it must be beautiful", and feel inspired - it must be "felt". And so religion mimics nature, and allows our subconscious to behold something deeper than our rational minds are designed to consider.
On another note, I'm going to suggest that the WTS conditioning suggests and reinforces a pattern of "taking in accurate knowledge" that impedes people from "feeling" in touch with anything other than themselves and a bunch of mechanistic actions, or "works". It stiffles passion to the detriment of the soul. Ultimately it is crippling, resulting in feelings of incompleteness and a reduced ability to rise above a series of programmes. Sure extra rules may be overlaid and some may be exchanged, but the basic ability to be whole is overlooked.
I'll pour out some more musings as they rise to the surface. Meanwhile my rational side is trying to make sense of what I just said