"Help! my dad is watching Pornography" Cries of a JW teen.

by Dune 103 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll
    It would seem that I am of the minority on this board who actually care about such things as family, proper restraints and healthy boundaries.

    Careful brother you are sounding a little self righteous there...

    There are people here that do care about the things you mentioned but they tend to go about it in a more restrained way, they don't go around forcing their views upon everybody else like its some sort of new dogma.

    It would also seem that many people here have been hurt so badly by the Jehovah's Witnesses, that they cannot imagine anybody, any higher power telling them what to do or how to lead their lives.

    I agree with you here, we've all been mislead and lied to by people claiming to know whats best for us and they've often backed it up with quotes like "many Drs believe". I can see where you are coming from here and it is the reason your post got my back up so badly. I'm not going to assume that I speak for anybody else on here and I am only speaking for myself but I don't want anybody else telling me how to live *my* life TYVM

    they have completely switched off their conscience and implanted a "my rights and sod everyone else" attitude.

    I disagree with this comment. I still approach the world with a "treat people as you'd like them to treat you" attitude. We disagree on the pornography because our consciences are different. Yes I agree with you that *Some* pornography is exploitive but I also happen to disagree with you that pornography destroys marriages and relationships. You see things as either Black or White, you dont see the grey bits and when people disagree with you you become personally abusive. Isn't that an example of "my rights and sod everyone else".

    The Society has a lot to answer for, and I welcome there downfall.

    Yayyy We agree again.

    It's sad too, that God has failed to act, to bring about justice for mankind and give us real hope.

    Oh its gods fault now for not acting...

    I see good people here who are letting their conscience fail them, they are becoming anaimalistic and self serving in their outlook. They don't care who they hurt, as long as they can satisfy their own desires.

    They don't want to hear "right and wrong", they want to hear "it's my choice, it's my right, it's none of your business what I do, so screw you."

    So who's to say What is right and what is wrong. I don't believe in a higher power and I'm not going to put my trust in Man again. So who is left to turn to?

    I'm sorry but you sound self righteous, Victorian in outlook and preachy. I personally am not going to pay attention to someone like you.

    Unlike you my minds open on such matters. I accept that for some pornography may be damaging to their relationships but that says more about the people involved than pornography. I also accept that some won't have a problem with it. Within my own relationship we are both adult enough to know that just looking at someone else isn't going to mean then end of us as a couple.

  • truthseeker

    Dr Jeklyy

    I don't blame God for what's happening, but having been raised in the troof and seeing how I've been lied too, I've come to reevaluate everything about the Bible, God, Jesus etc.

    There is no reason why God couldn't intervene NOW.

    We see a glimpse of what happens in the news, God watches and hears all media channels and can see first hand from above the terrible things that are happening.

    Justice never goes forth, I don't understand what we are waiting for.

    I have to accept now, that I may grow old and die and never see the promised paradise. What does that leave for me?

    I'm still in for friends and family, and it's killing me.

  • Finally-Free

    Bottom line - the girl has NO AUTHORITY WHATSOEVER over her father. He is in HIS home, using HIS computer using the internet connection that HE pays for. That means HE makes the rules, and she is the one who should either obey those rules or get the hell out. He's not doing anything illegal, and she has no right to impose her personal sense of morality on him.

    Rather than focusing on his imperfections, perhaps she should work on her own. She could start by resisting the temptation to be a sneaky, conniving little shit.

    Many times I regret not having any children, but when I read about things like this I have to admit my regrets disolve into nothing.


  • Dismembered

    The idea that any child would rat-fink on their father, to those who are more than likely doing the same crap is despicable. Who are any of them to get any knowledge of what goes on behind closed doors. It amazes me that anyone would think any differently.

    Rather than focusing on his imperfections, perhaps she should work on her own. She could start by resisting the temptation to be a sneaky, conniving little shit.

    Good One Finally Free Dismembered

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll
    I don't blame God for what's happening, but having been raised in the troof and seeing how I've been lied too, I've come to reevaluate everything about the Bible, God, Jesus etc.

    I think this is how it is for everyone on this board, we have to sieve the wheat from the chaff until we find something we're happy with. This is going to vary from person to person. No ones right, no ones wrong.

    There is no reason why God couldn't intervene NOW.

    People have been saying this for the last 2000 years, some would say that events unfolding in the middle east now are the opening act of Gods big play. Personally I don't believe anymore but that's just my view and I wouldn't want to shove my view upon anyone else. I did far to much of that as a dub, and I now realise I was in the wrong.

    We see a glimpse of what happens in the news, God watches and hears all media channels and can see first hand from above the terrible things that are happening.

    Justice never goes forth, I don't understand what we are waiting for.

    Personally I do believe Justice goes forth, its just that it is Slow, very slow. Think of all the political despots that rose to power in the 20th century. They all came to ruin eventually, whether that was God pulling the strings I don't know but I do know that not everyone gets away with it.

    I have to accept now, that I may grow old and die and never see the promised paradise. What does that leave for me?

    Same here for me, same for the other 6 million of us. We were promised so much and so little was delivered, is it any wonder some of us are angry and refuse to let other men dominate us.

    I'm still in for friends and family, and it's killing me.

    This will sound harsh but I don't mean it that way its just the best way to say it. If you cant stand the heat of the kitchen you know where the kitchen door is.

    Yes I know its easier said than done and yes I do know how hard it is to leave because I've actually done it. It hurts big time but I came to realise I could go on the rest of my life hurting and never be happy or I could leave, hurt for a while but then eventually be happy.

    What ever you do I wish you the best and while i might not like your preachy style I do recognise that your intentions were good.

  • bikerchic

    **steps in

    I was just going to say that the ELDER who helped my X hubby and I get hooked up to the Internet way back in the 90's also showed hubby how to look up porn by going to a search engine and typing in "boobs".

    I thought that was so very nice of him to give such spiritual advise, I mean after all Jehober is the maker of "boobs" isn't he?

    Oh well.........

    steps back out**

  • Trojan

    I don't want to go about and "beat" truthseeker for offering an alternative point of view. Otherwise, this discussion becomes one-sided and non-objective. There must be people all along the spectrum of "colors" and "ideas". So here we are: differente people with different opinions. What do we do?

    I think impossing ones opinion on others and doing so by arguments like "if you don't think like me, than you don't have morals, or don't have a conscience..." is a wrong approach!!

    I can see truthseeker maybe (mostlikely) has had bad experiences, very bad memories about porn/marriage/relationships etc. Ok. I understand that.

    But I can see that Dr. Jekyll and Mary have as valid points of view as truthseeker. How about this? It happens to be that I am an elder (still are) and I get to hear lots and lots of "confessions" that I would prefer not to hear, because I don't think people should come on their knees talking to an imperfect man as they are! But, I don't abuse my position and try to make them feel better and change their views on the whole "whip-me-I'm-a-bad-sinner"-concept.

    I've got to hear about real life cases that go like this: wife was abused as a child, is now frigide (jw religion doesn't help at all, since it puts the sexual on the dark side of life, plus the poor bastard doesn't get to notice this because a typical JW doesn't get to know his future mate UNTIL they are married and the paper is signed.....that leaves space for big surprises after the glorious day!!! That is why I have told several witnesses (closer friends) that I believe the "wordly" system of: living together, get to know each other and than marry is the better system....now, I wouldn't say this from the platform, but to close friends that agree with me (they are elders, too!).

    Now, here is our JW husband that gets sex once every 10 years, still loves his wife, understands that she's not up for the whole "whangle your dinkie" thing....so MOST of these guys start watching porn. What I call healthy, normal stuff.....(I strongly oppose kiddie porn and all the other unnatural crap that exists!)......it helps him to get over the "heated periods" in his life.....leaves wife in peace (they get together when she's ready for it)......everybody happy!! He's not going to leave his wife (as companionship, friendship, familiarity ARE values that most people appreciate EVEN if they watch Playboy!). He's not expecting here to get boobs the size of basketballs. PERIOD.

    Is there the possibility that people like that exist? Oh, yes. I've met them. That is why I used the "iguana" picture in my other thread: place for everybody, here on planet earth.

    Dr. Jekyll made a point on which I agree: WHO is going to put the rules? The JW have failed with they're prudish, victorian view of things. This is clear. WHO is next on the line to make the rules? I understand MOST people here have been burnt and get down the path of "my business". Good for them.

    Gods point of view? Well, lets see if I can sum this up. First he allows siblings to have sex with each other (where did cain get his wife?), than he allows man to have multiple wifes, even their wifes employees (slaves! if you wan't the real job description), they can go about and f#@$ whoever is around, among them half sisters (Abraham and Sara), then they are allowed to have up to 700 wifes (Salomon, only thing that disturbed God was that they where foreigners, as for the rest: Ok.), then some guys in the Bible like Lot have children WITH THEIR DAUGHTERS (never got disfelloshipped for that one, did it twice...in modern JW days Lot wouldn't have a damn chance to get out of a judicial committe without getting his ass burnt! ) And finally, man has to have one wife again, but under circumstances can get divorced and separated (Jesus),.....now it happens that those circumstances are not very well explained and the JW have made a BOOK of rules that would make the pharisees feel ashamed.....

    ......WHAT A MESS!!! And you expect people to follow these wonderfull guidelines????? I cannot blame them for they're approach of "go ahead, take your decision and life with it"


  • upside/down

    How do you get "caught" watching porn...?

    It ain't that hard to cover your tracks...cheezuz!

    Unless of course you actually ADMIT to it...

    *****Hmmm....nake ladies....getting pounded in the *ss....*****

    Um... I gotta go and uh....do some "research"...yeah..."research".....bye


  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll
    Dr. Jekyll made a point on which I agree

    Bloody hell!

    For the first time in my life an Elders actually agreed with me! ...Wow

    Wait a sec you're not sucking up to me to get me to the memorial are you?

  • Trojan
    Bloody hell!

    For the first time in my life an Elders actually agreed with me! ...Wow

    Wait a sec you're not sucking up to me to get me to the memorial are you?

    LOL, Dr. Jekyll, by all means: NO! I would need to go all the way down to Australia, to pick you up as a good JW you do these things for all the wonderfull new people they bring in under all kinds of reasons...

    (I knew a sister that would go around and invite people to the Memorial, saying that it is "a feast for JW".....so these three guys show up, in Jeans, cowboy boots and long beards, expecting to dance, drink and have a good time: BIG TIME disappointment once they had to settle to one hour talk about 144.000 and don't even get to drink the wine! ).


    (But maybe we could get together to discuss interesting points....and no, I don't want to see your porn collection....(well only if it is good))

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