It would seem that I am of the minority on this board who actually care about such things as family, proper restraints and healthy boundaries.
Careful brother you are sounding a little self righteous there...
There are people here that do care about the things you mentioned but they tend to go about it in a more restrained way, they don't go around forcing their views upon everybody else like its some sort of new dogma.
It would also seem that many people here have been hurt so badly by the Jehovah's Witnesses, that they cannot imagine anybody, any higher power telling them what to do or how to lead their lives.
I agree with you here, we've all been mislead and lied to by people claiming to know whats best for us and they've often backed it up with quotes like "many Drs believe". I can see where you are coming from here and it is the reason your post got my back up so badly. I'm not going to assume that I speak for anybody else on here and I am only speaking for myself but I don't want anybody else telling me how to live *my* life TYVM
they have completely switched off their conscience and implanted a "my rights and sod everyone else" attitude.
I disagree with this comment. I still approach the world with a "treat people as you'd like them to treat you" attitude. We disagree on the pornography because our consciences are different. Yes I agree with you that *Some* pornography is exploitive but I also happen to disagree with you that pornography destroys marriages and relationships. You see things as either Black or White, you dont see the grey bits and when people disagree with you you become personally abusive. Isn't that an example of "my rights and sod everyone else".
The Society has a lot to answer for, and I welcome there downfall.
Yayyy We agree again.
It's sad too, that God has failed to act, to bring about justice for mankind and give us real hope.
Oh its gods fault now for not acting...
I see good people here who are letting their conscience fail them, they are becoming anaimalistic and self serving in their outlook. They don't care who they hurt, as long as they can satisfy their own desires.They don't want to hear "right and wrong", they want to hear "it's my choice, it's my right, it's none of your business what I do, so screw you."
So who's to say What is right and what is wrong. I don't believe in a higher power and I'm not going to put my trust in Man again. So who is left to turn to?
I'm sorry but you sound self righteous, Victorian in outlook and preachy. I personally am not going to pay attention to someone like you.
Unlike you my minds open on such matters. I accept that for some pornography may be damaging to their relationships but that says more about the people involved than pornography. I also accept that some won't have a problem with it. Within my own relationship we are both adult enough to know that just looking at someone else isn't going to mean then end of us as a couple.