He is "dead to the JW's" if he is found out.
In other words .... out of the orginization.
Do relationships end due to porn... Yes, sometimes they do.
What should she do? Whatever she feels is right to her as a person.
Should she "rat" him out due to the Society rules? Do what she feels is right.
"Help! my dad is watching Pornography" Cries of a JW teen.
by Dune 103 Replies latest jw friends
she SERIOUSLY thinks its her duty to the congregation to either get him to stop doing it or for him to report himself to the JC.
She believes that the holy spirit's enacting force on the congregation will be taken away if he is allowed to continue being an MS.
Her father isn't a pedo (from the details you gave) or a molester, and so, there doesn't seem to be any danger to anyone. No parents are perfect. Still, it's a sad thing for her, no doubt. I sympathise w her and the dissapointment she must feel toward her father. Her belief is total hogwash. Perhaps she needs to realise that she could be instrumental in destroying her own family. What will the imaginary jehovah's spirit do for her then???
truthseeker said: Her father has what could be the beginning of a sickness, a desire for other women other than his wife.
Oh come on, you've got to be kidding. Here's a newsflash for you: I would go out on a limb here and say most men have a "desire" for other women other than their wives. It's human nature. We are not made where we're only ever attracted to one single person our entire lives. I'm not saying porn is right, but I don't think just viewing naked women can be deemed a "sickness" unless he enjoys views kiddy porn, or seeing women tortured or snuff films. Then you've got a problem. Looking at Penthouse or Playboy is something I think most men do. Do you think it's degrading if a woman looks at pictures of naked men?
The only reason to look at porn is to satisfy sexual desires without a relationship.
Ya......that's generally the reason why men view porn. Your Victorian view is eerily similar to the Organizations view of why teenage boys shouldn't masturbate. In the Youth book it said the same thing you did above: you shouldn't do it because it's selfish.
The girl has every right to confront her father, just as the father has every right to confront his daughter if she did something wrong
This girl has NO right to confront her father because it's none of her damn business. If her father's not doing anything illegal and if he's not fooling around on his wife, then the daughter has no business poking into what he does. How would she feel if her father read her secret diary where she wrote some fantasy about some boy at school? Gee, is that a "sickness"? No, it's not. It's human nature. -
Dr Jekyll
*Stands up and Claps Mary*
Since you have more intelligence than Dr Jekyll, I will respond to your comments.
truthseeker said: Her father has what could be the beginning of a sickness, a desire for other women other than his wife.
Oh come on, you've got to be kidding. ; ; Here's a newsflash for you: ; ;I would go out on a limb here and say ;most men have a "desire" for other women other than their wives. ; It's human nature. ; We are not made where we're only ever attracted to one single person our entire lives. ; I'm not saying porn is right, but I don't think just viewing naked women can be deemed a "sickness" unless he enjoys views kiddy porn, or seeing women tortured or snuff films. ; Then you've got a problem. ; Looking at Penthouse or Playboy is something I think most men do. ; Do you think it's degrading if a woman looks at pictures of naked men?
I'm sure it's true that most men have a desire for other women, but what happened to restraint? Now, I don't know about your personal life, and don't want to, but let's say you caught your husband looking at porn - do you mean to say it wouldn't bother you that he's thinking of other women or would you just say, hi hon, glad you're expressing your free will, you keep going, whatever makes you happy.
The only reason to look at porn is to satisfy sexual desires without a relationship.
Ya......that's generally the reason why men view porn. ; Your Victorian view is eerily similar to the Organizations view of why teenage boys shouldn't masturbate. ; In the Youth book it said the same thing you did above: ; you shouldn't do it because it's selfish.
Mary, I'm glad we at least agree on that. I wouldn't say my view was Victorian, ask the women who have been victims of their husband viewing pornography, I'm sure they will tell a different story from you.
The girl has every right to confront her father, just as the father has every right to confront his daughter if she did something wrong
This girl has NO right to confront her father because it's none of her damn business. ; ; If her father's not doing anything illegal and if he's not fooling around on his wife, then the daughter has no business poking into what he does. ; How would she feel if her father read her secret diary where she wrote some fantasy about some boy at school? ; Gee, is that a "sickness"? ; No, it's not. ; It's human ;nature. The girl has a right to know, this is her father, I'm not saying she should go to the elders, but he is supposed to be a role model for her. Do you really think it's best for her to shut up? A daughter who is unmarried keeping a secret diary is far different than a married man looking at porn and keeping it secret - there is no correlation between the two. -
Dr Jekyll
Since you have more intelligence than Dr Jekyll, I will respond to your comments.
LOL so anyone that disagrees with "nanny" here is to be considered Stupid, says it all really.
Nanny knows best.
It would seem that I am of the minority on this board who actually care about such things as family, proper restraints and healthy boundaries.
It would also seem that many people here have been hurt so badly by the Jehovah's Witnesses, that they cannot imagine anybody, any higher power telling them what to do or how to lead their lives.
they have completely switched off their conscience and implanted a "my rights and sod everyone else" attitude.
I don't consider myself a fundamentalist, I don't believe JW's are the ONLY ones that would be saved, even when I believed they were the truth.
We have all types of people here, but more and more I am seeing those who are hell bent on destroying standards that they once held, even before coming in to the religion.
The Society has a lot to answer for, and I welcome there downfall.
It's sad too, that God has failed to act, to bring about justice for mankind and give us real hope.
I see good people here who are letting their conscience fail them, they are becoming anaimalistic and self serving in their outlook. They don't care who they hurt, as long as they can satisfy their own desires.
They don't want to hear "right and wrong", they want to hear "it's my choice, it's my right, it's none of your business what I do, so screw you."
Such ones will only continue to explore the depths of human darkness in their souls, while rejecting conventional norms which used to be held in high esteem.
Dr Jekyll
I did apologise for my comment yesterday, but you only said I was ranting.
I don't know you at all, but I didn't like you calling my view point a crock of sh*t, again, you could have said I disagreed, or I think it's a waste of time, but to actually say that porn affects relationships is a crock of sh*t is really taking the biscuit.
I note that you have not reached the age of 1 yet, clearly you have some maturing to do.
I'm sure it's true that most men have a desire for other women, but what happened to restraint?
TS, it would be nice if everyone restrained themselves from ever looking at another person "with passion in their hearts" but that just isn't going to happen.
do you mean to say it wouldn't bother you that he's thinking of other women
I'm sure it would bother me, but I also think there's a heck of alot worse things that a man can do than to look at pictures of a naked woman.
I wouldn't say my view was Victorian, ask the women who have been victims of their husband viewing pornography, I'm sure they will tell a different story from you.
I think it depends on a few things: Were these Witnesses? If so, they have a very unhealthy, morbid fear of anything nude. I also think it depends on what kind of porn the husbands were looking at. Was it Playboy? Or was it the illegal crap that shows some pig raping a 5 year old child? Big difference there. If I caught my husband looking at kiddie porn, there would be no phonecall to the police or elders. He'd jes suddenly go "missing".
The girl has a right to know, this is her father, I'm not saying she should go to the elders, but he is supposed to be a role model for her. Do you really think it's best for her to shut up?
First of all, I say: No, this girl has NO right to know. Her father is not doing anything illegal and he's not fooling around on his wife so it is NONE of the daughter's business. Yes, he should be a role model for his daughter but this is her own fault. She opened a Pandora's Box because she was being nosey and now she found out something that I'm sure she wishes she didn't know. Not only do I think she should keep her mouth shut, she should also keep her nose out of things that don't concern her. Another good example: Did America really "need to know" about Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky? I think not.
A daughter who is unmarried keeping a secret diary is far different than a married man looking at porn and keeping it secret - there is no correlation between the two.
Just because someone signed a marriage certificate doesn't mean that they now only look at their spouse. Like I said before, it's human nature and it's never going to change unless everyone gets a lobotomy. If this is the worst thing the guy has done, then she's got nothing to worry about.
Hey Mary
Thanks for your honesty, we may disagree but we can do so civily.
Best wishes.