Mad Apostate said:
Then, on this DB, former Bethelites constantly exchange posts where their word choice is "cloaked" so that many of us who were not insiders are left guessing at meaning, people, etc. Obviously, even individual members of this fraternity have unique experiences and insights. If such info is not disseminated, it is lost if that person dies naturally or in an accident.Would you folks please post more elaborately so that the rest of us can benefit from your knowledge and experience.
The statement that motivated this post made a silent reference to the author of the Happiness book. The authorship of recent WTS publications would be a nice start.
I guess many will be a bit shocked here, since I in this thread actually do have some sympathy for what Mad Apostate is saying. There is a huge "worship" of people having been in Bethel at times, and even "elders" and former elders often get a certain "respect" just because they have been in some "position".
Well - let me say it this way. These people had a position in an organization we agree (most of us, anyway - these former bethelites and elders included) is no good, and being a part of the leadership of such a club doesn't qualify for any special priviledges in my book.
I do NOT mean to say that anyone HAS to reveil anything he knows, since that is a personal choise. I don't even say he SHOULD do that whenever asked. And there is many reasons for that.
Let me say it this way:
If nobody were on the inside, we wouldn't get any information on what's going on.
The people on the inside wouldn't be there for long if their identity was known!
So, there is a need for hiding certain information, since nobody in their right mind would give any amunition to the Legal Dep goons, or to the kangaroo courts of the watchtower.
On the other hand...
Provided there is no risc of "burning" anyone, there is no strategic (because such matters need to be considered as well) reasons for holding back information, I agree with Mad Apostate.
I know for a fact, since even idiots like me do get some mails from folks, it's rather irritating with half said stuff. "I know, and I know this and that, know that person, and knows who did what". When the next is a big zero - nothing at all - why give the first information in the first place? Anyone know someone knows someone or something. There is no need to write that down - it's self explanatory!
If someone wants to say something like that, give some information to tell why the first information was important. If not, it will soon be looked upon as bragging - even if that was not the intention at all.
Maybe I'm making some people pissed off by saying this, but in some cases there is best to say B if you said A. And in some cases it's better to simply shut up - instead of saying A in the first place.
Strategy is interesting, but if no such considerations is involved, I can't see why someone should "know who wrote a book" - and don't say who did. It's obviously a whole lot of people knowing that - and information like that doesn't endanger anyones anonymity at all.
So, with some reservations, I have a bit of sympathy for Mads original statement.
No harm intended at anyone, but online nobody is worth nothing but their last mail! Nobody really cares what they did before - and every mail and post must stand on it's own record.
The reasons Ray Franz isn't here is unknown to me. I'm not so sure the reasons given for Jim Penton are the same - and I and others on this board has met with Jim before. We also had our clashes with him...
Jim also did write some articles especcially for the Watchtower Observer, even though they are all over the place now.
Yakki Da
The most significant difference between Prime Minister John Howard and Hitler, is the fact that Hitler is dead.
Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses: