More Bethelite Table Crumbs Please!

by MadApostate 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kent

    Hi Alan;

    I agree to that, and it's quite obvious the intention is to stirr up trouble. Unfortunately such people always get some support. As one example, It's always the same people who supports these folks in their behaviour, it was the same with Mario Kempes, remember?

    The problem is these people are no idiots, and they know how to pull a simpletons mind. That's why this thread started in the first place. Mad A did serve a valid argument - just to fire up a wild roar to prove his real intentions.

    Nobody disagrees, I believe, in the original statement as such - it's the rest that is the real test of the intentions. And Mad A fails badly.

    But, it's real interesting to see what persons giving full support - more or less without reservations.

    It's nearly tempting to ask some people if they plan to ask for reinstatement!

    Yakki Da


    I need mor BOE letters and other material. Those who can send it to me - please do! The new section will be interesting!!

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • MadApostate


    I am one absolute genius watchtower troll, aren't I, not to speak of my ability to foresee the future.

    Just think about it. I was smart enough to post a request asking former Bethelites to post the authorships of various WTS publications, with sufficient knowledge and foresight to lay a trap for a self-centered, self-engrossed Maximus, knowing that he would half-read and misinterpret my post as an attack on his and Barbara Andersen's posts.

    Then, I even foresaw that self-important Maximus would childishly threaten to leave the DB and insinuate that he is so important here that he should be allowed to make whatever slanderous comments he chooses, without the slandered party having a right of rebuttal.

    Then, I foresaw that 'ol humble Max would end his post with a pretentious statement that I wouldn't be getting an autographed copy of his soon to be released book.

    With all this foresight, maybe I should quit working as a troll for the WTS and start working for Miss Cleo!

    KK, I see the behind-the-scenes heat (which proves one of my points) has you quickly distancing yourself from your first post. Damn, that's what happens when you get in too big of a hurry and post on the right moral side before checking to find out that all your buddies are on the other side of the creek. That'll teach you to check with them first next time.


    EDIT: Rather than burn one of my limited number of posts, I'm replying here to KK's post below.

    KK: I realize that English is not your first language, so allow me to explain why I purposefully chose the word "distancing".
    It doesn't mean you suddenly switched your position and jumped to the other side of the creek to join your friends. No, you can't do that, too many people have already read your first post. Your only option to retain your friends, and to retain credibility to onlookers, is to now throw as much shit on this side of the creek as you can and build up a wall which "distances" your from where you found yourself earlier.

    BUT, don't worry about "word meanings". You aren't the first one in this thread to misinterpret word meanings.

    Look back, and see that Max also took offense to my use of the word "crumb" in the thread title. He misinterpreted "crumb" as a "qualitative" judgment of information provided to this DB by former Bethelites. Well, "crumb" is not a qualitative "measure". It is a "quantitative" measure. It means "a small piece of something larger", which fit the point that I was trying to make perfectly.

    But again, don't blame Max. He is "untouchable". It's all my fault. Just like when an Elder screws up at the KH. Whichever "publisher" is closest to the scene of the crime, that's the one that will have to take the fall for the sake of protecting the "glorious one's" reputation.

  • Kent
    KK, I see the behind-the-scenes heat (which proves one of my points) has you quickly distancing yourself from your first post.

    What a bunch of crap! I have done no such thing - and anyone can see that.

    In my post before this, I said:

    Nobody disagrees, I believe, in the original statement as such - it's the rest that is the real test of the intentions. And Mad A fails badly.

    Is that distancing myself from what I said? Why do you have such problems being honest?

    Yakki Da


    I need mor BOE letters and other material. Those who can send it to me - please do! The new section will be interesting!!

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • sf

    "He is not the only one to stir up trouble."

    "FREDHALL", this is The most intelligent thing I've heard you utter.

    You get that "feeling" too? Or am I imagining "It" all?

    sKally, well-armed and must stay alert klass

  • Shane

    This is a chat area, and some of us contribute a lot to it some of us don't. Anyone so overly sensitive as to be insulted, needs to grow up and be above the silly things people say.

  • Hmmm
    This DB resembles the Org so closely, and Max and his groupies resemble the Org hierarchy so closely (we have here the MSs, the Elders, the COs, the DOs, and even the GB, as well as the suck-up wanna-bes below each level) that anyone with an ounce of objectivity left is probably puking his guts out.

    "Brother Kent, your news headlines from around the world are riveting. Brother AlanF, I really appreciate your historical references. Brother Farkel, I really liked your treatment of Matthew 25, and the way you worked "dipfuck" into your closing prayer... Listen brothers, I was wondering if you needed anyone to carry the mics when the District Overseer, Brother Maximus, visits next week. I realize I'm new to this congregation, but I'm just trying to "reach out."

    "Really? Great! Oh, I gotta go. I see Brother Larc over there, and I wanted to talk to him about the literature counter.

    (Since jokes and irony seem to fly right past people here lately, let me state for the record that the above is a JOKE)

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    I'm starting to think MA is a troll also.

    If that is the case, what is he trying to do, start a flame war, get some to leave this forum, or divulge sensitive information.

    If these are the goals, I don't think he will get too far.

    Just my 2 pennies, MA.

    I'll defend your right to say it, but it doesn't mean I beleive it.

  • MadApostate


    Don't tell anyone!

  • TweetieBird


    You said, "What I do know is that the WTS must be overjoyed when they read this thread. Especially since we all know how much they must hate Max. "

    At least, we on this db, have the RIGHT and FREEDOM to voice our opinions, which is something we could have never done while in the borg. So let the GB read, maybe they will learn something. To me it's a healthy outlet.

    I do think MadApostate crossed the line by his verbal attack against Maximus, that is my opinion. But I also think that Max is capable of handling the situation, which he did.

    "By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    As someone who was at Bethel, albeit many years ago, I can attest to the fact that the vast majority of us had no special insight into the workings and machinations of the GB. In fact, I had a friend who worked in the Service Department and he didn't seem to have any special information to share. If he did, he didn't share it. Basically we were all drones, doing the bidding of our overseers. At the time there was an Orwellian sense that one was being watched and evaluated at all times.

    I always thought it kind of strange how Bethel males were looked up to by the rank and file "publishers". Some of my Bethel acqaintences were so perverted and neurotic that I wouldn't have introduced them to my own sisters, yet Witness mothers wanted their daughters to latch onto them. If you were an average pioneer with no special skills, and applied to go to Bethel, you got accepted. I think the pioneer requirement was dropped later on. In my case, a more courageous choice than going to Bethel would have been to join the military and possibly go to Vietnam or work in a V.A. hospital as a conscientious objector. Instead, I chose the bullshit option.

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