Jehovah was right when he said we would be persecuted"
Well right there is the problem. Simply disagreeing or finding something ridiculous is not persecution. Maybe we all need to carry pictures around of human beings who actually have been persecuted for their faith to show jw's. Headless bodies, bodies swinging from ropes and shot up corpses, maybe that would shock them into what the real definition of persecution means.
Individually jw's are fine, just people, however get them in a group and they can become like the street gang in the cities. Individually some of the gang members may not be so bad. May not even be able to fight their way out of a paper bag. Get them together and the group mentality comes out and they have 'power'. They feed off each other and the group. In the same way jw's when in a group begin the 'we're so persecuted, they don't like us' routine and the group mentality takes over. It is uncomfortable to be in a place with a bunch of them. It's odd to be in room full of people who think you worthy of death. It's strange to be in room full of people who protect child molesters, advocate the break up families and would very likely do anything their leaders in NY tell them. So if some exjw has a moment with a group of them you will just have to forgive them, they are just human and make mistakes. Isn't that the jw line? Or is that only for false prophecies not individuals?