We may not all be in the same boat, but when I was a dub I BELIEVED it!! That is I'd proudly walk past the apostates at assemblies and wonder What in the hell makes them do that?? Because in my own mind controlled brain.. I could not see the wood for the trees, so someone walking up to me and trying to convince me I was wrong.. just proved to me more and more how right I was.
I honestly feel nobody leaves the organisation until they are ready, and a word spoken at the proper time.. ie when they are already weak, might help.
A colleague who was an ex witness waited for 3 years before she brought up to me the 607 thing, if she had spoken to me about it at the beginning when I was heavily involved I probably would never have discussed religion with her again, because I wasn't ready. As it was, she timed it perfectly, asked me if I was still going to meetings and then BAM!
I treat witnesses with respect, I feel sorry for them, and hope in time they will see what I can now see is a blinding light! I remember how I felt to be a witness, I hated going to restaurants looking so obviously different, I wanted to fit in, and I'm sure most of those do too. But I am starting to feel the heart thumping, dry mouth reaction when a dub walks towards me on the street, are they or aren't they going to talk to me! I find it so weird that I am not D'Ad or Dfed yet many turn their heads away. Truly an organisation that has love as it's second command??
Poppy xxxx