This thread is prompted by some comments on the "Unbaptised publisher" thread which was going off-topic so here's the comments thus far:
The christian meaning of baptism is to have salvation. So unbaptized means without salvation.
is baptism necessary for salvation? The dubs say so, but are they correct? What about the guy on the cross alongside Jesus who repented at the last moment without being baptised; yet Jesus promised him a place in the kingdom?
un-baptised is the state of being without the salvation. During the 13th centry, there was quite the debate going on in the church regarding 'unbaptized infants' who die. Will they be burned in hell, and suffer eternal pain? The argument focused around understanding of salvation in christ. Baptism IS salvation, not the physical act of getting wet.
Baptism IS salvationWhoa, steady on!
Umpteen texts speak otherwise, e.g. John 17:3
And what about even John 3:16
So it's the belief, not the physical act of baptism that saves.
Phisicle baptism is the sacrement of acseptence of Christ grace, and salvation.
OK, anyone want to join in?
This'll interest those of christian persuasion I guess.
So, is it necessary to be baptised in order to be saved?