Predicting the stock markets will crash is like predicting it will rain in the desert. Just keep guessing at the date and it will happen... eventually... get it wrong, guess again.
YK has been repeatedly proven false by his own words, and he will repeatedly continue. Even if he gets one right, that means crap because if he was true, ALL his prophecies would have occured according to his words.
: That is a fact that will become horrifyingly apparent in the days and weeks ahead.
..... said You Know, in September, 1998.... December, 1999.... and so on.....
What YK says generally makes some sense. Expecting an invisible man in the sky to come around to fix things makes very little sense. We're on our own. And we'll do just fine.
Greetings and welcome back to this thread. If you scroll back a few pages, you will notice I accepted your wager and posted the conditions.
You did NOT reply. I wagered $2,500.00 to the WTBS against $1000.00 to any charity providing assistance to victims of the attack. I believe in all fairness, you should be writing a check today.
The thing is though, I called it BEFORE it went wrong. I think that's what you are having a hard time coming to terms with.
Hmm, by your own admission you do a lot of prophesying around this time of year. Also this is the umpteenth time that I have read posts written by you foretelling financial hardship. If you didn't get it right sometimes I would be more asonished at the failure of the law of averages.
I don't doubt that we have entered a very critical phase, however, recessions come and go, boom and bust is a capitalists lot, its nowt to do with the Scriptures or you.
Greetings and welcome back to this thread. If you scroll back a few pages, you will notice I accepted your wager and posted the conditions.
Wrong! I posted the conditions of my wager. You are welcome to accept MY wager or not. Heck, Perhaps they will get things put back aright in the next month? Or maybe they will go nuclear? Who knows? It will be an interesting 40 days. I suppose, come Halloween, that the demons will have by then conned many of you into hanging yourselves in effigy. / You Know
C'mon now, are you really determined to confuse the matter and segway into confrontation? I have never been confrontational with you thus far, nor have I taken liberties and made personal attacks.
Let's simply review the issue. Your prophecy called for the crash of the market and the beginning of a world war. Neither has occurred. I am sure someone of your intellect, capabilties and station in life could easily afford a tax-deductible contribution of $1000.00 to a noble charity.
I once donated $10,000.00 to an Assembly Hall building project and did not hesitate, even though I disagreed with the planning. Surely, you could make this humanitarian accomodation.
You do not have to acquiesce defeat or even consider the wager at all. Just demonstrate your true intentions. You know the right thing to do, I am confident.
What's all this talk about the stock market already having crashed? It didn't crash yet, and if You Know thinks it did it shows how little he knows of the markets. It dropped, what, about 7% on Monday? Given the nature of current circumstances, that wasn't bad. Remember 1987? That was a crash! There it dropped about 25% in one day, and then dropped some more. Here we dropped about 7% and then stabilized.
It's bad enough that You Know got excited by the WTC disaster (yes, he did, look at his posts immediately afterward, and see his wording -- he was thrilled), let's not let him bluster his way through the markets too. What he predicted has not happened. Not even close.
And just to keep the facts in mind, here is precisely what You Know wagered:
My proposed wager is this: I will wager 100 bucks, that before the end of the month of October that the present financial system will be in a full-blown panic crisis; and, if not in a crash-down mode, then certainly in a state of war.
So, let's the present (as opposed to any future?) financial system in:
a) a full-blown panic crisis? Nope, not even when the market reopened on Monday. Very calm. b) In a crash-down mode? Nope. c) In a state of war? A financial market can't go to war, so this is a non-sequitor.