i thought your point was, and the point of this thread was, to say that the financial system and the dollar would
collapse by the end of october.
It was, yes that is correct. Either a collapse or a state of war was what I wagered.
when you prematurely claimed victory on this "wager" of sorts, i merely dismantled your statements exposing your obvious lack of knowledge on market matters.I taunted some boaster to pay off their lost wager not because the financial system had collapsed, obviously it hasn't yet, but rather because there is this little matter of a war now looming. Some apostates claim that there is not an official declaration of war so that doesn't count. One member of the apostate goon squad said that a market collapse woundn't count because I said it would be by natural causes. What a hoot you people are. Other more mentally challenged individuals claim that I meant to say that the financial system would go to war with itself, that I didn't mean to say that the markets would be in a state of war because the world would be in an atmosphere of war. I suppose the Dow could declare a Jihad against the NASDAQ or something like that, and you could have brokers going at each other out on the sidewalks of Wall Street with sharpened pencils. And so the fact that America's New War is winding up doesn't count as the system being in a state of war as my wager stated. My view is that there isn't a war---yet. There has only been an act of war committed and a declaration of war in response, but no actual war as of yet. Perhaps it may blow over. Perhaps it may result in WWIII and the great tribulation. So, I wasn't really claiming that the parameters of my wager were satisfied but that it appears as if the process is now in motion for either a collapse, or war, or both. We still have a month to go and no one knows how things are going to develope. It just doesn't look to good for those who are "long" on this system of things. I been short selling the Devil's world for years and now it is starting to pay off. LOL
if youd like to go back and read at what point i jumped in, youll see that i have no interest in your little side points. the reason i started this discussion in the first place was to show that your comment about the market being a "side show" was absolutely and totally preposterousI know what you said. You are wrong. The links I provided, particularly the case of the derivative king, which you dismissed as "drivel," prove my point. You have absolutely no rebuttal for the mountain of evidence I linked to that indicate that people in the business, who like yourself want this system to go on, see big, big, trouble brewing, not because of a stock market decline alone, but because of the bloated credit system and the derivatives. They realistically fear what could spell the end of the whole capitalist system. So far your only response has been to say that you think it's a good time to buy stocks cause they are oversold. It's amazing to me that people can be so blind and willfully so at that. / You Know