by You Know 536 Replies latest jw friends

  • You Know
    You Know
    you now claim you did not mean the financial system, but you really meant the united states

    You have a way of twisting things around, which most apostates seem to excel at. Nevertheless, I didn't say that I didn't mean the financial system as you claim. You are simply lying. It would seem hardly necessary to point out that the government and Wall Street and inseparably wed together. What affect one invariably has an impact on the other. That's why they call it a "system." The goverment does all sorts of things that affect the financial system from selling treasury notes and bonds and government agencies that sell mortgauges to huge defense contracts; not to mention regulating interest rates. So, only a moron could pretend that the government could be in a war and the financial system somehow not be affected. / You Know

  • dubla


    yes, keep spouting blubberings.

    didnt i say we could just forget the whole "state of war" part? i think i did. thank you once again for ignoring what you cannot respond to. i clearly showed that the second part of your bet is pointless, as the first part did not come to pass, but you have no response for that, do you?


  • dubla


    as ive shown, the "state of war" part of the wager is pointless. but since you insist on making it a point still, i will humor you.

    You have a way of twisting things around, which most apostates seem to excel at. Nevertheless, I didn't say that I didn't mean the financial system as you claim. You are simply lying.
    actually it is you who is lying as usual. you might not have specifically said that you didnt mean the financial system, but you CLEARLY implied it on this post from september 24......it starts out with a quote from me, and then your response (the bold is my original statement):

    several of us have already pointed out that you specifically predicted the "financial system" to be in a state of war, not the u.s.

    You have got to be kidding me. That's hilarious. You are really desperate to discredit me aren't you? Why don't you explain how the financial system can be in a state of war. Now that should really be worth a laugh.

    LOL, didnt think id dig it up yk, or did you foget you had said this? no, you didnt say you meant the us and not the financial system, but you LAUGHED at the idea that the financial system could be what you meant, in fact saying it was a "hilarious" notion.



    You Know,you lost your bet!Are you going to be a man about it,and admit it?Or are you going to be a good little jw weasel and find some cowardly way to justify not paying the wager you started.

  • dubla


    You have a way of twisting things around...
    you seem to always fall into the pot-kettle-black scenario, as it is you who always twists things around. ill give an example here:

    first quote from september 3rd:

    I will wager 100 bucks, that before the end of the month of October that the present financial system will be in a full-blown panic crisis; and...
    again, notice the and after the semi-colon; not an or as you would like us to believe. it was clearly a wager of two parts, those parts being:

    1.before the end of october, the financial system will be in a full-blown panic crisis

    2.before the end of october, the financial system will be in crash down mode or a state of war

    two parts, connected with the word and

    here is your quote from september 22:

    My wager specifically stated that the system would be in a financial crisis or war by the end of October.
    notice that you now have twisted your original statement so that you will now have us believe it was the word or rather than and in your wager. financial crisis or war; when it was in fact, (financial crisis) AND (war or crash down mode). an obvious twisting of words. perhaps jws are better at twisting than apostates, 'eh yk?

    LOL, cant wait to hear your attempt to weasel your way out of this one. i imagine it will start something like this......"you would have to be an imbecile or a complete moron to think i meant that both parts of my wager would come true, when i clearly meant it as an either/or scenario." LOL


  • fancyschmancy28

    I think YK got his information from Miss Cleo and won't admit it.

  • dubla

    did you slink off after those last embarrassing posts of mine yk?

  • dubla


    ah, sweet silence. yet another case of me leaving you speechless?


  • ashitaka

    The Aadam's family(snap, snap)

  • California Sunshine
    California Sunshine

    Hi /You know,

    What part of the word "welch" don't you understand?

    Be a man.....

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