They were only left in Ashdod and Gath according to Joshua 11. Interestingly...
1 Samuel 17:4—And a champion began to go out from the camps of the Phi·lis´tines, his name being Go·li´ath, from Gath, his height being six cubits and a span.
So, Goliath was descended from the Nephilim, of the Rephaim, akin to the sons of Anak, who all died in the flood.
Joshua 14:13-15—At that Joshua blessed him and gave He´bron to Ca´leb the son of Je·phun´neh as an inheritance. 14 That is why He´bron has come to belong to Ca´leb the son of Je·phun´neh the Ken´iz·zite as an inheritance down to this day, for the reason that he followed Jehovah the God of Israel fully. 15 The name of He´bron before that was Kir´i·ath-ar´ba ([said Ar´ba was] the great man among the An´a·kim). And the land had no disturbance from war.