Which mile? I cited that depending on the COUNTRY you live in it can mean quite a few different things.
There isn't one shred of evidence we should use the English mile, the rod (another English measurement on which the English mile is based) wasn't even a possible unit of measurement at the time of the construction of the pyramids.
So, I ask again, WHICH mile do we use?
Shall we use the Norwegian mile which measures 12,182 English yards? If not, why not? How about the Roman mile, coming in at 5,000 feet? If not, why not?
Besides, what are the odds that this is mere coincidence?
Just by choosing carefully which units of measurement I apply to which aspects of various structures I can come up with similarly "remarkable" coincidences for nearly measurement you care to give me. What is highly probable is that someone spent quite a lot of time figuring out a way to make the height of this structure have significance, and that this exhaustive labor produced a seeming coincidence that is actually just a fervent wish expressed in mathematical terms.
Also noteworthy is that the author did not include the altitude he used (to allow verification) and whether he was working from the altitude of the top or base of the structure, or chose some other point. When calculating the altitude times 10^9 knowing the figure used for altitude is fairly important for checking the math, and only a few feet difference in altitude could make a huge difference when raised to that high of a power.
Did you know that the sea level has changed in the past 4,000 years? Guess what that means? The altitude today is not the altitude when the pyramid was constructed. Altitude is determined according to sea level or some other marker. The starting reference point and endig reference point are both missing from the author's work.
It is a highly suspect calculation to me, and one that is not independently verifiable from the data provided. That raises doubts for me at the outset as to whether the author is drawing conclusions from fact or is engaging in flights of fancy similar to those of C.T. Russell. Given several of the claims in the audio portion you provided (which I listened to in its entirety) I am leaning toward the latter conclusion rather heavily.
More to the point, if the relationship I have with God is the important thing, why does it matter one way or the other who built the pyramid or why?