Thank you everyone, especially those who gave some interesting links which I’ve been reading. Uncle B your pictures were chilling to say the least. Here's some detail from the Islamic stoning section of the Wikipaedia reference Blondie gave:
The person to be killed is wrapped in a sheet and buried; male convicts are buried from the waist down, female convicts are buried deeper to prevent the breasts from becoming exposed. The crowd then pelts the victim with stones small enough so that one cannot cause death by itself. In some places, if the criminal manages to struggle free and escape, further punishment is cancelled.
LDH yes I remember seeing your thread but I just couldn’t bring myself to look at a snuff film, especially with the victim being a child. People’s barbarity and ignorance never ceases to amaze me at the best of times.
I had known that stoning was widespread throughout the ancient world, but do not recall its practice in Greece. Thanks Narkissos.
Jehovah and Allah in particular though: well done for endorsing such a humane piece of justice. No wonder so many people worship you both.