In the thread back in August 2001, that I've brought back to the top a couple of times now, in order that people will read it entirely, thusly GAIN ACCURATE KNOWLEDGE of the entire issue, HAWKEYE made this post:
Well I just phoned the United Nations (NGO section) 212-963-7233 - 1:40pm edst, Sept. 26, 2001.
I got a nice lady to confirm on her database that the WTS is a NGO and that they are fully registered with the NGO. So I guess the internet site is not wrong. She did tell me that they (the WTS) are not part of the United Nations but must agree and support the United Nations policies etc. She did not know exactly what the WTS was doing with for the UN right now as a NGO.
I asked her how long they have been a member? She didn't know and transfered me to a Mr. A. Zabinski (sp?). I had to leave a message. More to follow.
For those who also wish to telephone - you must leave your name, location, telephone number and your interest as to why you want to know. I think they are cautious because the USA named a couple of these groups as Terrorists.
Does anybody want answers to questions? I don't know if they will give me copies of records or not but I will try. I will proceed with caution here and not start a yelling match that the UN got snookered by a "cult".
Well I just got off the telephone with (2:35 pm edst) (Note: PLease remember the year "1991" in your heads for the rest of your life when you read this post).
Mr. Oleg Dzioubinski
Information Officier
NGO Section
Department of Public Information
United Nations New York, N.Y. 10017
Telephone 212-963-1859
He is a busy guy but he did telephone me back. Here is my questions and his answers:
Question: Is the Watchtower a NGO
Answer: Yes
Question: Is there a unique number to identify them?
Answer: No, there are over 1,500 of them.
Question: For how long has the Watchtower been a NGO
Answer: Since 1991
(Pause - did everyone read that - since 1991!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That’s 1991 !!!!!)
(Pause - Thats 10 f__king years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy $h!t)
Question: What do you have to show to be an NGO
Answer: A variety of things including non-profit status and financial statements plus information showing you will promote and adhere to what the UN does.
Question: What is an NGO and how does it relate to the UN
Answer: NGOs have no status and are not part of the UN. They get information such as pamphlets that promote the UN through the DPI. Then using the pamphlets, they are then suppose to inform people what the UN is doing through various ways such as magazines.
(Pause - Now I know why all the articles in the Awake magazines since 1991. The information in the Awake! was from the DPI on the UN . The WTS used the Awake! Magazine to get the DPI stuff out to it followers)
Question: Some friends of mine are concerned over the Watchtower not saying nice things about the UN. Is this a proble?
Answer: You can criticize the UN. But, we would take offence if they were using the UN name to raise money or they were saying they were a UN organization when they really are not.
Question: Has the WTS received any money from the UN?
Answer: Not that I am aware of.
Question: So what is in it for the WTS if they don’t get any money?
Answer: Well, they are promoting the UN and it helps to show you support the UN in certain areas
(Pause: I just don’t get it - why would the WTS become a NGO with the DPI when they don’t get any money ....hmmm).
He had to go to a meeting so we stopped the call.
Hawk (Who is willing to telephone him back if you guys wany) p.s - 1991!!!!! - I just can't believe it - 10 years in bed promoting the UN!!!!!!!
Again, I stress that those whom want to educate yourselves on this topic, from start to finish, please read this entire thread, in which above posts were linked: