need data

by mathead 31 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • mathead

    I am currently doing a mathematical analysis on the remnant population. (the number of partakers left)

    I need the number of remnant for the last 15 years, preferably from the "year book" and the average age of the remnant in 2006

    My initial work shows the population figures are tampered with.

    I think I can pinpoint what the WTS is doing here and how they come up with the figures they do.

    Thanks for any help here

  • ballistic

    mathead - do you care to introduce yourself, maybe tell us your story. Give and take yes?

  • mathead

    I'm an ex 30 year dub who saw the light. Been through the borganization and sucessfully deprogrammed myself

  • JW_Researcher
  • mathead

    thanks jw-researcher, but i need actual numbers to work with as the math demands it.

  • JW_Researcher

    My suggestion, then, is that you download the Watchtower CD at

    It is an ISO image file so you'll need software (freeware or share ware) to convert it for use.

    Next, use the search function and hunt for the exact numbers.

    Finally, you can post the numbers so they'll be in the archives for the person behind you. :-)

    Best of luck!

  • sf

    I just came upon this webpage earlier, where it speaks of the 144,000. Not sure it will help any, yet:

    Navigator: What do Jehovah's Witnesses believe?

    Bechtel: Let's start with what would probably be the most important issues. Jehovah's Witnesses believe in original sin, the fall from grace. They believe that since Adam's and Eve's expulsion from the Garden of Eden everyone has been born in sin, and therefore they die, because the wages of sin are death. They believe that the only possibility for eternal life in any form in any place is through the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ. That is, parenthetically, the only thing they celebrate; they don't celebrate birthdays or any other holidays whatsoever. Their communion, which they call the Memorial Service, is the largest attendance they draw in the entire year. They place a great emphasis on how many attendees there are at that ceremony because that gives them an idea how many new recruits they can anticipate in the following year.

    They believe that only 144,000 will be taken to a life in heaven. They will form a ruling class and will rule with Jesus Christ for a thousand years. But, they will remain in heaven after that period of time and those individuals are the only ones who achieve immortality. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that when you die, you're dead, period. And they believe that your only hope of future life is the memory of you that God holds and his ability and willingness to recreate you at some future time. So, the 144,000, when they die, are recreated as spirit creatures- their soul does not go to heaven because their soul is dead. Those who meet God's approval and who survive the end of the world will have the opportunity of living forever here on earth, in an earth much like the Garden of Eden. Even though you can live forever, you do not have immortality; it is still possible for you to die, should you have a fall from grace.

    Apart from those things, they believe in the end of the world, when God will bring all the systems of the world as we know it to an end, mostly through the use of natural forces such as hurricanes, tornadoes, natural disasters, and so forth.

    Navigator: How do you get to be one of the 144,000?

    Bechtel: You really don't. Jehovah's Witnesses more than imply that you don't have any chance of getting to be in the 144,000 because they were all picked years ago. The group of 144,000 began with the immediate Disciples and Apostles of Jesus Christ 2000 years ago. A few were added to it over two millennia and whatever numbers they were short were picked around the turn of this last century. But they allow for the fact that some of the 144,000 may have had a fall from grace, and therefore need to be replaced to keep the number complete. I just read in one of their magazines that a guy that I worked with (when we were both in our early twenties) was appointed to the Governing Body. (This is their equivalent of the Pope-a collective Pope of about 18 to 20 or so leaders who lead by committee.) Being appointed to the Governing Body means that you have declared yourself to be of the heavenly class, and thus one of the 144,000. So, you decide that you are one of the heavenly class, and if you have the temerity to take communion, and can keep a straight face about it for long enough, people will accept it and believe it.



  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    1950 22723
    1951 21619
    1952 20221
    1953 19183
    1954 17884
    1955 16815
    1956 16302
    1957 15628
    1958 15037
    1959 14511
    1960 13911
    1961 13284
    1962 12714
    1963 12292
    1964 11953
    1965 11550
    1966 11266
    1967 10981
    1968 10619
    1969 10368
    1970 10500
    1971 10384
    1972 10350
    1973 10523
    1974 10723
    1975 10550
    1976 10187
    1977 10080
    1978 9762
    1979 9727
    1980 9564
    1981 9601
    1982 9529
    1983 9292
    1984 9081
    1985 9051
    1986 8927
    1987 8808
    1988 8685
    1989 8734
    1990 8869
    1991 8850
    1992 8683
    1993 8693
    1994 8617
    1995 8645
    1996 8757
    1997 8795
    1998 8756
    1999 8755
    2000 8661
    2001 8730
    2002 8760
    2003 8565
    2004 8570
    2005 8524

  • JW_Researcher

    For future reference, what was your methodology?

    Please and thank you.

  • mathead

    Awesome Nathan Great work thanks all

    Some preliminary new light on the number of remnant which I will now talk about. The final report will be coming in due time and it will discuss some of the finer details of the math and what not.

    First of all I went to the UN statistics site and looked up the mortality rates. These rates are categorized by age group. Now I figure the average age of the remnant today (2006) is 85 years. The mortality rates for this age group is about 15.7% (I don't have the exact figures in front of me so if I made a mistake here I will correct it later) That means that out of a group of 10000 people who are 85 years of age that 1570 of them will be dead in one year. Now the remnant numbers 8524 in the year 2005. So doing the math you'll see that there is approx 1300 that die each year. The number of remnant dropped from 8570 in 2004 to 8524 in 2005 a difference of 46 remnant. This means that there had to be some 1250 replacements. Now here is the strange part. According to many watchtower articles the "replacements" do not join the ranks of those remnant already in heaven. The watchtower says that the "replacements" are to replace those who have fallen away. Well folks these 1300 dead remnant obviously did NOT fall away but they DIED. So according to the WT the 1300 remnant who die each year are frauds!!

    Anyone with some "new light " to untangle this mess??

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