need data

by mathead 31 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • mathead

    As time progresses the average age of the remnant increases as Nathan mentioned

    This adds to the complexity of the analysis. I've tried several elementary functions on the remnant population curve such as, exponential, logarithmic, hyperbolic and quadratic. The hyperbolic functions gave the best fit so far. I'm not saying the curve is a standard hyperbola, but I think there are some hyperbolic tendencies in the curve. This population curve can broken down into separate functions that describe independant rates.

    Most of these rates seem to be strictly time dependant, so the resulting equation that gives the remnant population at any time is probably a function of the sum of these rates

    I think the best approach is to put the whole mess into a table format. I think that microsoft excel might be of use here. If I can get the result into this table format then one can see year by year the following data: Excel has math capabilities so I'll give it a try.

    First there are two broad categories. The numbers of persons joining the remnant, lets call these the "INBOTS" . The number of persons leaving the remnant, lets call these the "OUTBOTS"

    Now the OUTBOTS can be divided into more categories. The number of deaths. the number of those falling away(unfaithful) and the number who went to join the great crowd. The INBOTS don't seem to have any subcategories but we already know that they are wanabees or just plain mental. That is all I've done so far on the report, as far as getting "organized to accomplish our math"

  • mathead

    More findings

    before 1930 the WT said" you are all remnant"

    after 1930 the WT said:"you can join the great crowd"

    after 1970 the WT said: " we need replacements!"

    ( I may be a little off on dates here)

    BTW I tried excel and it is one awesome piece of kick ass software.. Got some off the report done today.

  • mathead

    Today more work done on the spreadsheet

    Excel is providing much "new light" in a "timely" manner on the remnant

    Almost done with the report, should take another week though,(unless something else crops up) I don't want to be hasty with this but present my data findings with some accuracy.

    I found a very elegant equation that is very simply kick ass. The excel spread sheet itself has all the core math done on it but it needs fine tuning. This project has taken most of my time for the last 2 weeks. That shows you what a number fanatic I am.

  • RunningMan

    I can save you a little time if you like. I've already done an actuarial calculation from 1970 to 2005, showing the expected and actual mortality rates. I used the GAM71 actuarial table, and assumed a likely minimum age for those chosen when the door was closed, and also an absolute minimum age. I can send the spreadsheet to you if you like.

  • mathead


    my email is [email protected]

    or post it here.

    Are you aware of the "replacements", as this phenomina could throw off your result if you are calculating for mortality rates only

    Your mortality rate data will be of use though

  • mathead

    more work done on the spread sheet today

    got the core equation working and am finding the trends in the curve "interesting". This is different math for me. The curve is so nuts that only a deliberate manipulation of it by the WTS seems to be the reason why it is taking a bit more time than I thought..

    The curve fluctuates around 1975 proving some of the remnant left around that time. Also the governing body coming to power in 1976 causes some changes here.

  • mathead

    More work done on the deviation of the curve. Have the ability to forecast at least 100,000 years out. Core equation is working as it should

    spread sheet is taking shape.

  • ballistic

    Theoretically, people are able to sin while in heaven because they have free-will just as the angels do (and the Devil). So this 144,000 figure will have to be constantly adjusted and replenished for as we know, "a man's inclination is bad from his youth up".

    Now, what web site do those fallen anointed visit while in heaven? Do you rekon they've got their own version of apostfests?

  • mathead

    I've thought about that one and I think the WTS stance on that is the annointed both on earth and in heaven can not sin. This is what they (WTS) say about those that have fallen away. I think they means that these so called annointed remnant were never called, in other words they were never annointed so that is why they fell away. So in fact the ones who fell away were frauds what else could it be?

    Then the replacements are supposed to replace those frauds who fell away. The real reason for the replacements is to keep a base number of remnant present just about forever. That way the WTS will always have an excuse to stay in business.

    So the frauds are very obvious and it should logically follow as well that the replacements are also frauds

  • gumby
    Then the replacements are supposed to replace those frauds who fell away

    Imagine.....gods spirit bears witness with your spirit, you have this "dominate mental inclination" to go to heaven instead of living on earth, you "taste the heavenly gift", then you fall away.

    What are THE ODDS that THIS MANY would fall away? The society called it a "rare event" that one would fall away, yet they have shitloads who fall away only to be replaced by ones of much younger and less years of loyal devotion and integrity ( which is a qualifier for the annointed).

    My prophecy is that they will SOON stop printing the numbers of the annointed that are left since their ass is in a bind on this one.


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