Help!! I am looking for a creative or a usaul way to get my turn at being disfellowshipped. I was a witness that married a 'worldly' guy. So, basically I can do anything I want and not get disfellowshipped. Including holidays, flying a flag,voting,etc. I want to know what would get the elders mad enough to start a commitee. (but I don't want it to be based on 'immorality'. Thanks and Love, Beautifulisfree
Ways to get disfellowshipped??
by beautifulisfree 68 Replies latest jw friends
Go to the Memorial and partake of the bread and wine?
(but I don't want it to be based on 'immorality'.
So I guess that rules out sex with hubby in the KH parking lot during the memorial?
All i can think of is blood transfusions, joining the army or smoking.
I suppose you could take up smoking. Or just question one of the elders about something he said. Why the rush to get df'd? Why not just DA yourself or just leave.
Hey, that doesn't rule out the parking lot....although an elder did say everytime I did anything with my worldly husband i would be commiting a sin. I will D.A but I want to get disfellowshipped too...I want it all!!
Send a letter to everyone in the congregation asking them to explain the 607 dillemma??
Apostacy will get you disfellowshipped before your head turns around!
Go to the hall drunk
Get dressed sexy at the meetings
Put a bumper sticker on your car that reads, Jesus saves.
I have an extra Stop Watchtower & freeminds-bumper sticker if you like. Anything that smells of apostacy should do it.
"Go to the Memorial and partake of the bread and wine?"
Seconding this. Awesome idea.