How does a Witness answer this? If we are indeed living "deep into the Time of the End", and if Jehovah is going to speed things up, then why are the numbers of the Organization getting lower with each passing year? With the chart below showing their dwindling and embarassing figures, it's one of two things: Either this Organization does not have God's blessing, or The End must still be a long way off...........I've quoted a couple of captions from the literature......hmmm..... seems to me like they fit the description of Babylon the Great a little bit better than an Organization that is being run by Jesus Christ.
w02 7/1 p. 19 Jehovah’s Glory Shines on His People *** "The little one himself will become a thousand, and the small one a mighty nation. I myself, Jehovah, shall speed it up in its own time." (Isaiah 60:22) In our day, Jehovah has kept his word.***
w01 1/15 p. 12 Overseers and Ministerial Servants Theocratically Appointed *** 2 Is there evidence that this prophecy is undergoing fulfillment today? Yes, indeed!***
w89 5/1 p. 5 Babylon the Great—Fallen and Judged ***Yes, the symbolic waters on which Babylon the Great sits, the peoples under her control, are drying up.***
w83 7/1 p. 7 A Pleasure-Loving World About to End! *** . So the drying up of the waters means the dwindling of the people’s support for religion.***
w82 1/1 p. 16 Forward, You Ministers of the Kingdom! *** TODAY, in many lands, the spiritual pastures of false religion have withered and the waters on which Babylon the Great is sitting are drying up. It calls to mind a prophecy of Isaiah that is being fulfilled in our time, namely, that found in Isaiah 65:13: "Look! My own servants will eat, but you yourselves will go hungry. Look! My own servants will drink, but you yourselves will go thirsty. Look! My own servants will rejoice, but you yourselves will suffer shame."***
w82 12/15 p. 11 Insight on the News *** Today, "Babylon the Great," the world empire of false religion, is also losing its "waters," portending a similar outcome