"After all we know that about 5000 people every week are getting baptized these days. That is a large number and it shows that Jehovah is indeed speeding things up at his own time"
Yes, but what they're not saying is that the majority of this "growth" is in Third World countries where the poor buggers don't have access to the internet and therefore, have no idea as to the history of the religion..........the rest of the "growth" are simply the children of Witnesses who are over the age of 10 and who's parents are bugging them to get baptized so as to not bring shame upon them.........
I would think that they'd chose their words more carefully as to their 'fabulous growth', because if they make it sound too good, then people are going to start wondering why they're seeing such crappy increases each year. Even the most braindead Dub could surmise that if there's 5,000 getting baptized each week, that there must be 4,900 leaving the Borganization.........not really what I'd call stellar growth.
Gumbers said: Either that, or blow up Mary's chart to a 8x24 foot banner and do the front side of the Kingdom Hall on an early Sunday mornin.
Ok. I'll fly to Cali-for-nee-ay and we'll hit Michael Jackson's old Hall first.