Ghosts, Demons, or Imagination?

by ButtLight 180 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finally-Free

    Beware all! Funkyderek is in fact an evil ghost who's masquerading as an ex-jw. He wants to convince you there is no spirit realm, but tonight he'll enter your dreams and kick your asses. you've been warned.


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    Beware all! Funkyderek is in fact an evil ghost who's masquerading as an ex-jw.

    Well, the way I heard it, he's really an alien from the Andromeda galaxy (I know, he'll try to deny it.)

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Why not? There's lots that science doesn't know and people are convicted wrongly all the time. Who are you to say that an alien from the Andromeda galaxy didn't set up the whole thing for reasons that we're too puny to understand?

    You’re right people are convicted wrongly. And might I add, I’m Not discrediting and have Not discredited Or suggested that what scientific methods that are available to us now should Not be our first option in trying to get to the bottom of things.

    But as scientific methods of understanding the world around us grow, yes, it Is possible that we will be able to understand if there is something we could not explain in the past.

    You said:

    In the case we're discussing this leads us very quickly to the mundane conclusion that a child had a nightmare. I really don't see the advantage of abandoning such a tried and tested method in favour of primitive superstition

    Wait a second, I didn’t abandon a tried and tested method in favour of primitive superstition. I think I actually suggested the use of a camcorder. Which by the way would help Buttlight to identify what Is going on at night. Either proving or disproving a ghost is not even an issue to a parent, but to make sure that a child is Not endangering themselves or others. I didn’t say “Oh yeah he absolutely did Not have a nightmare”. But she herself has said repeatedly that she has experienced other things.

    If She has experienced things that she has admitted already to trying to find a mundane answer but cannot find one, what Is the harm in seeing if there is a way to explain it by other means? Which hey, if you could offer any suggestions that would be helpful to her to figure out what Is going on, in rational, mundane ways, let’s hear ‘em.

    Having an open mind doesn't mean giving equal weight to rational arguments and fanciful nonsense.

    Ah, but here, this is what I’m wondering. What evidence do you require to show you that something else other then a nightmare occurred?

    FunkyDerek an evil spirit? What am I going to see a leprechaun?

    Oh brother, aliens from the Andromeda galaxy? What’s next martians from Mars?


  • ButtLight


    Explain to me how my door going out to the garage opens, and shuts by itself all the time. Heard by everyone in this house, and visitors. We all sit here looking at the entry way, waiting to see who it is, and nobody comes in!

    Dont tell me its the wind! We make sure the door is shut tight, due to the cats getting out.

    Dont tell me I need a new door knob, been there done that, nothing wrong with it.

    Im sure you will have an excuse for everything!

    How about a remote control car spinning its wheels, all by itself, when Im the only one home?

    Dont give me the crap about outside radio signals either, heard that before, and its bogus! It was in the basement surrounded by cement walls!

  • Jeffro

    If I saw a skull on my computer monitor, I would sooner assume that the computer had been infected with a computer virus, and I'd be more worried about spyware before I would assume that demons or ghosts had figured out how to operate electron guns and SDRAM.

    Clothes in a closet might take on a certain imagined appearance to a child, especially if there happened to be the right lighting conditions, perhaps from a passing car.

    Why is that paranormal events seem to only happen to 'believers'?

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis
    Why is that paranormal events seem to only happen to 'believers'?

    This is a wild guess, but maybe it's because something happened to them that they became a believer?


  • Mary
    Funkyderek said: In the case we're discussing this leads us very quickly to the mundane conclusion that a child had a nightmare. I really don't see the advantage of abandoning such a tried and tested method in favour of primitive superstition.

    FD, please read the original post again. Her son was not having a nightmare because he wasn't even in bed yet when it happened---he was awake. It's easy for someone who wasn't there to have a textbook explanation ready, but I think it's in very poor taste to insinuate that someone must either be having psychological problems or is just a liar when something happens that you cannot explain. Especially as you weren't there and the child was.

    I try to be a rational person and look for a rational explanation, but there are times when "rational" simply cannot and does not explain instances like this. I remember someone on this board named Rem who belittled anyone who believed in the supernatural and no matter what kind of an experience someone may have had, he (naturally) had all the answers and when they didn't fit, he insinuated that the person was either nuts or a liar.

  • ButtLight
    If I saw a skull on my computer monitor, I would sooner assume that the computer had been infected with a computer virus, and I'd be more worried about spyware before I would assume that demons or ghosts had figured out how to operate electron guns and SDRAM.

    I would have agreed, at first, but my thought, since the screen was black, and the scull was the only thing showing, it was a screen saver. NOT. He doesnt have one. He had'nt used the computer in hours, so the screen goes black. Now a virus could explain that. Highly doubtful, simply cause we just got his computer, and he only uses it to go on ONE game site. (but, ya never know, I wouldnt rule that one out) I personally could care less what he saw on the computer. Its him seeing a man standing there dressed in a long button down coat, and hat that gets me.

  • SixofNine

    I imagine things, you imagine things, everyone imagines things.

    Deal with it.

  • JH

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