I hate both terms to describe ex-jws. I know most people say "apostate" when they refer to an ex-jw that is an opposer now but some will say "so and so" is an "evil slave" now. Evil Slave sounds so "boogie man under the bed" that I just laugh when I hear the term. So ex-jws out there which term do you prefer "Evil Slave" or "Apostate"?
"Evil Slave" or Apostate which term do you prefer used on ex-JW's?
by booker-t 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I prefer Apostate, as Evil Slave has an obvious negative connotation. As far as Im concerned the WT Society is the epitome of the Evil Slave.
Hmm.. How about "Former Cult Member"? Otherwise Apostate suits me just fine.
You can call me an evil apostate. I am a slave to no one.
BlackSwan of Memphis
I prefer
bird food
These are names the wts uses. I do not believe they have any credibility anymore so I don't care what names they give xmembers.
I will not let them define who i am.
Remember, it is them that uses terms like rabid apostates, evil slave.
I am an apostate in that I have turned against a belief system that I was once a part of. However, I am not evil, nor am I a slave.
i am free.
I think the WTS are the apostates. So if I leave an apostate organization, am I an apostate?
If telling the truth about the WTS makes me an apostate.............
I prefer to think of myself as an Independent Thinker (TM).