"Evil Slave" or Apostate which term do you prefer used on ex-JW's?

by booker-t 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • undercover

    Here on the boards, I use "apostate" since it's almost a running joke anymore.

    But outside of that, I refuse to be catagorized or compartmentalized by an entity that I want nothing to do with anymore. I don't accept their authority, so why should I accept their terminology that makes it easy for current members to classify me as evil or demonic?

    If the subject comes up with outsiders, I usually say, "I was raised a JW, but I got over it" or something similar.

  • looking_glass

    I am not really sure why as humans we find it necessary label everything. But I think both terms are rather harsh because of the connotation. I hope these labels are like most, subject to change. Hey maybe that is the new light ... no such thing as "evil slave" or "apostate". Hee, hee, hee

  • moggy lover
    moggy lover

    Nah, sorry, don't like either term. Too restrictive. Facile. I prefer something more .... shall we say...dynamic... something that could even be used as a movie title. Let me seeee...... Howabout: "Renegade" "Freedom Fighter" "False Tower Buster" ..oops a bit theatrical you reckon?


  • jeanniebeanz
  • Spectre

    I like the term "evil". In old issues of the X-men comic-book, the villians called themselves "The Botherhood of Evil Mutants" instead of in the movie where they were "The Brotherhood of Mutants". There is a certain kitschiness/camp in calling yourself,or being called evil that I like.

  • Legolas
    I hate both terms to describe ex-jws. I know most people say "apostate" when they refer to an ex-jw that is an opposer now but some will say "so and so" is an "evil slave" now. Evil Slave sounds so "boogie man under the bed" that I just laugh when I hear the term. So ex-jws out there which term do you prefer "Evil Slave" or "Apostate"?

  • uninformed

    Interesting piece of old WT history.

    For decades, it was understood very clearly that in order to ever become an "evil slave" you had to first be an approved slave. For JW's that meant that you actually had to be recognized by the WT as a partaker or an "anointed one", and then fall away from the "truth" to become part of the evil slave class.

    It was understood that ones that departed after Russell died, (Millenial Dawn) "Dawnites" were the original modern day evil slave. Also, when Rutherford stole the organization from the British guys (Johnson sticks in my mind) that they were the evil slave. Then of course, more to our day, Ray Franz was considered evil slave because of his departure. However, Dunlop and other who were not partakers were not considered evil slave. The pedophiles that left the GB were not considered evil slave.

    I can't think of the exact statement in a more recent WT magazine, but in the 90's or later, there was an allusion to apostates leaving the organization and becoming evil slave. From their past definitions, that comment was totally wrong. Anyone know where that comment is?

    An apostate by their definition would include any evil slave and also any non-anointed JW's that have left the organization over doctrinal issues.

    However, they have left their own doctrines and it is a conundrum to me why they don't consider themselves both apostate and evil slave, I do.


  • inquirer

    Holy Nelly! Saying someone is an apostate, it's like as if they make you feel you've tired to kill God and you are some sort of Satan worshipper! :O That is so dehumanizing when people call you that! It doesn't have that effect on me at all, but you can still see what they are trying to do when they use that word.

    I feel quite comfortable with "heretic" (it has a much more interesting sound to my ears) because it reminds me of religious apologists from the 13th century onwards who defended the Bible against the pope! :D

  • inquirer

    I guess with my previous post I was thinking more in terms of how other people would take the term but it still made me feel like "I've just killed God" feeling...

    In the present tense I like the term apostate (but prefer much more "heretic") -- I mean look at me folding me arms in the avatar! I look "apostate-like" don't I? LOL


    (No seriously, Danny is a good bloke. He was really hard done by by the Watchtower or is it spelt Witchtower -- sorry I am not a good speller. :D LOL!)

  • inquirer

    I hate both terms to describe ex-jws. I know most people say "apostate" when they refer to an ex-jw that is an opposer now but some will say "so and so" is an "evil slave" now. Evil Slave sounds so "boogie man under the bed" that I just laugh when I hear the term. So ex-jws out there which term do you prefer "Evil Slave" or "Apostate"?

    Te he he he he! I feel like you about that term Evil Slave! :D LOL

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