Either this has been going on for years and was never talked about or there is a rash of internet child porn, arrangements for sick underage sex, and family sex abuse. I read 3 news events in the last couple of days with this constantly happening. How sick!
Is It Me Or Are There More Sex Crimes Against Kids Like Never Before?
by minimus 31 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
BlackSwan of Memphis
Considering the internet is fairly new...
But I see what you are saying.
On the other hand think of it like this:
Is it possible that what's going on is that the human perception of what is moral and what is immoral is changing? Is it possible that yeah, for years things were just not discussed and now that information is so available and we are hearing viewpoints from people around the world we are learning what is and has been going on for centuries?
I think its gotten worse due to the mis use of the internet but these types of sicko's have been around forever. They used to be limited to preying on their families, acquaintances and neighbors but now they can use the net to prey on a variety of victims. I think these perverts should be locked in prison with "Bubba" as a cell mate and be treated to a lifetime of rape and abuse.
Haven't you heard, we are livin' in the last days!
Dismembered beat me to the tongue in cheek quip.
I don't know the answer to the question. We certainly hear more about these crimes. But a lot went on in the old days that nobody dared mention. Also some things are today considered abuse that would have been tolerated , or at least hushed up in the past. Some cultures used to allow such things as a rite of passage to adult hood but now it is a crime.
Since there are no figures to compare, I suppose we cannot know... But anyway, even one is one too many!
I think there are more sex crimes for a couple of reasons: 1) population growth and 2) the internet
There have always been pedophiles and until the last 15 years, it was always hushed up and had the "we-don't-talk-about-that" attitude. I know many of my friends were sexually abused when they were kids, but nothing was ever done to help them because of the head in the sand mentality that everyone had.
However, I also believe that the internet has had a big influence on creating more pedophiles. Many of these people would not know where to buy kiddie porn, and without the internet, they certainly wouldn't be able to hook up with some 12 year old kid for sex.
I think it has always been around and godless pervs have always been lurking in society.
The internet allows them more freedom to do what they do.
And with todays fast global communications we get to hear about it. -
maybe they're eaisier to spot now... Like when you were a witness you always notice news about earthquakes and bad weather?...
I too have noticed that a day doesn't go by there is something on the news or a TV show about sex crimes and children.
Last night I cried while watching Law and Order SVU. I honestly believe that shows like that give sicko perverts ideas and add that to desire to fulfill their deviant inclinations and you've got more of 'em out seeking and getting kids.
There must be another way to make us aware of them and the harm they can and will do than shows which in my mind only create more problems.
That said I think we hear more about them because we have more access to news and TV shows which IMHO do their part in promoting this crap. They have more access to children via the Internet and sorry to say but flaky druggie parents who put their addictions before the welfare of their children just add to the mix.
Gerrrrrrr! Can you tell this is a subject that really, really, really angers me!
DonĀ“t forget that the cops are constantly conducting sting ops, posing as children to bump up their felony count.
Lots of other things are now "sex-crimes" when in the past they were at best "don't do that again!" crimes.
Quick example, urinating in public means that the perp must register as a "sex-offender". Yeah that's a yeech but does
it really deserve being publically branded for life? Just finished reading about a 16 y/o who posted her own pics on "My Space"
and was busted for child pornography. Contrast that with the story of Traci Lords who starred in what? 15 porn films before she was 18?