Hi Everyone I'm New

by Gracey 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • mouthy

    Gracey...Welcome!!! Your story is a very sad one. But your a better gal than me girl. I dont think I could EVER forgive a MUM that allowed that to go on.... I do hope you havent given up on GOD!!!! Because you are showing one of HIS qaulities ...FORGIVENESS!!!! I profess to be a Christian A Believer in the Way,Truth,Life, JESUS!!!!!!The Creator---But He is not finished with me yet because forgiveness I am still working on,. Keep posting!!!!


  • TheListener

    Welcome Gracey. I'm so sorry for what you've been through. I want you know that I appreciate the strength it took for you to tell your story.

    I hope the board can be a place of healing for you.

  • skeeter1

    You are not alone in your experience as a JW kid. I hope you are able to make friends here, and work through the pain that is inside of you.

  • xjwms

    Hello and welcome

  • Legolas

    Welcome to the board!

  • Mystery

    Welcome to the board. You will find a lot of suppor there.

  • serendipity

    Hugs, gracey and welcome to the forum! You are a good person to help your mother though she didn't help you. That was a horrible way to start life, but hopefully you can get some counselling to help you make the most of the rest your life.

  • lawrence


    peace and blessings - you've been down a very tough road.

  • MerryMagdalene

    (((((((((hugs))))))))) GraceyI hope you'll stick around and talk to us some more.


  • juni

    Welcome Gracey.

    As others have said, there are many who have shared the type of abuse you wrote about in your profile. And you are a good person to be able to take care of mom although you needed her dearly to stand up for you.

    Look forward to your posts and hope you are helped by being here. Definitely look up the "silentlambs" site.


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