I am a SERVER this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who has or has not been invited to the memorial?
by misspeaches 64 Replies latest jw friends
I have not. Apparently, unrepentant apostates are on the "do not call" list. edited: stillajwexelder, I don't know how you keep your lunch down. Must take a couple of stiff belts of something more potent than joy-juice to handle that public ceremonial rejection of Christ.
Its called Jack Daniels AuldSoul
No invite for me.
My unbaptized, inactive brother and his inactive wife are going.
I moved a few months ago, so anyone going to my [old] home to leave an invitation will get to meet the new non-english-speaking residents.
*sigh* Guess it will be a good night for pedicure.
No invitation.
On Memorial night I plan on sitting outside under the moonlight and just listen to the sounds of nature in the darkening canyon. (Maybe I'll even have a glass of dark fragrant red wine in my hand.)
Like tonight peacocks and turkeys will be crying as they put themselves to bed. My doves in the cage will be cooing. Nearby Tom cats will be wow wow wowwing. The cows on the hillside will be moooooooooing and the chickens next door will be fighting over roosting spots.
The Memorial Moon will slowly rise up over the cabin as it has done for thousands of years on this night.
I will say a heartfelt prayer to God and ask for divine help to understand the importance of the events of two thousand years ago. I will also ask him for guidance and wisdom to lead a life that honors his purpose.
I will think about my now dead parents. I will think about the witnesses. I will think about my dfing. I will think about my request I made for forgiveness. I will ask God to fill my heart with peace and help to put all this sorrow behind me. I will pray for all of you and I will pray for the world....that instead of the world ending there would be a world conversion to peace. -
Gary I don't know how you stomached so many memorials... and Stillajwexelder you poor thing. I hope you enjoy your JD at the end of the night just to cope with the trauma. Aude I like your idea the best. Stay home and have a pedicure...!
It seems it doesn't matter if your a staunch objector, disassoicated, disphellowshipped or faded. Not too many people are getting invites.
I have not been invited. Not even by my JW relatives. Not that I'm surprised - they haven't cared enough to invite us for the last 10 years, why change now?
Figured as much, stillajwexelder. Between the good Doctors J. Daniels and J. Beam, I don't doubt I could coast through almost any trying circumstance life might bring my way—even a pesky red traffic signal or two.
Drive to the Memorial safely. Better yet, take your "medicinal doses" with you in a flask and conspicuously indulge just before the opening song, at some point during the talk, and after each prayer over the emblems.
If anyone asks, you could cover that you have had a cold and didn't want to disturb the proceedings. Then unceremoniously sneeze violently on the asker, attempting to block it but being just too late. (Aw, shucks...gee, I'm sorry...lemme get you a paper towel from the restroom...I bet you just got that suit dry-cleaned, too, didn't you? Like rain when you just washed the car, eh?)
You may decide not to do this and I will understand, if so. At the least, this post should give you a few mental images to secretly smile about while you are having an ass made of you.
AuldSoul -
Anewme wrote:
No invitation.
On Memorial night I plan on sitting outside under the moonlight and just listen to the sounds of nature in the darkening canyon. (Maybe I'll even have a glass of dark fragrant red wine in my hand.)
Like tonight peacocks and turkeys will be crying as they put themselves to bed. My doves in the cage will be cooing. Nearby Tom cats will be wow wow wowwing. The cows on the hillside will be moooooooooing and the chickens next door will be fighting over roosting spots.
The Memorial Moon will slowly rise up over the cabin as it has done for thousands of years on this night.
I will say a heartfelt prayer to God and ask for divine help to understand the importance of the events of two thousand years ago. I will also ask him for guidance and wisdom to lead a life that honors his purpose.
I will think about my now dead parents. I will think about the witnesses. I will think about my dfing. I will think about my request I made for forgiveness. I will ask God to fill my heart with peace and help to put all this sorrow behind me. I will pray for all of you and I will pray for the world....that instead of the world ending there would be a world conversion to peace.Dear Anewme,
What a beautiful post you just wrote. Had me almost in tears. That is a very wonderful way to spend memorial. I hope Jehovah hears your prayer for peace, and for the rest of us.
Your post really touched me.
I will most likely do what I have the last three years, pull out the Bible, read those scriptures regarding the passover, christ's ransom and say a prayer. Why do I: 1) have to be invited by anyone the Hall is an open place or 2) hang out with a group of knuckleheads to appreciate the ransom paid. I always felt like it was Easter Sunday at the Hall ... gather as many bodies as we can find and fill the Hall ... Look at the number of potential people we have get to gather. Really, or are these the people that have been strong armed by family and friends to make an appearance. Not me, I don't need to have my head counted in order to count in the grand scheme of things.