not invited last year, not invited this year. This is my thrid year not going. First year we did a memorial at home. Second year we did one. This year, we are probably going to let it go. My husband and I have been watching all the Bible and Christ and various things on the History/discovery/scii-fi/whatever channel this week. I guess that will be our Easter Duty. (Erma Bombeck used to use that expression, I loved her, what a great loss, she was so talented)
Who has or has not been invited to the memorial?
by misspeaches 64 Replies latest jw friends
No invites whatsoever.
I am a SERVER this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm curious... What would you (or others) do if a joe schmo decided to partake?
No invite. Never have been invited once in the ten or so years I've been out. One "sister" who was always really nice, saw me on the street last year right after the "memorial." She said she'd been thinking about me but didn't know how to contact me. I smiled, thanked her for thinking of me, and agreed that I knew I could come to the kh any time. She's so sincere, spent her life with the stigma of having an unbelieving mate but still blinded.
If all a person does is go to the Memorial to observe the crackers and wine being passed around, does this actually mean anything?
Only that they are rejecting Jesus' blood and body that He gave so that they may have life.
They don't have to partake because God sure isn't going to force them accept His Son.
Sad emo
Got my invite a couple of weeks ago from the witness who brings my mags.
lonelysheep - at the memorial I attended a couple of years back, two boys (about 10 yr old) decided they were going to try and partake for a laugh - all you could hear was the server guy whispering to them very loudly "Don't eat it" ... "DON'T drink it, just pass it along" followed by the boys innocently asking "But why not?" Reply "Just don't, now pass it along"
The poor guy just didn't want the hassle. It was really funny to see and listen to. I wouldn't fancy trying it, I'm sure most of the 'guards' at my local KH are nightclub bouncers in their spare time
My parents used to mention it to me every other year or so, in passing mainly. I've never, ever received an invite from anyone else.
Nope... not yet anyway...LOL!
Nothing for me. My mother used to invite me, but I think the disappointment got to her after a while
My mother called last night and left my official invite on my answering service. She'll probably show up at my work this morning. I hate this time of year!!! I am 30 years old and still get nervous and about what I'm going to say to my parents when they ask about the memorial. Pathetic.....
I was d/f three months ago an no invite. My wife is not d/f and no one has even contacted her about it.
Another d/f person I know was contacted accidently at the door on the weekend by an elder who was preaching and the elder did not even bother to mention the memorial.
Maybe they are getting scared of have ex JWs there in case of a disruption.