Who has or has not been invited to the memorial?

by misspeaches 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jourles

    Well, I wasn't invited last year by anyone, but the wife asked if I was going or not(didn't go). No word yet this year either. The wife hasn't even asked me - she just assumes that I'm not going. I only knew it was coming up because she was going shopping for a new dress and shoes just the other day.

    Jourles, who is planning on skipping the party at JC's memorial "celebration"

  • jonsey

    It's funny that this topic came up...I spoke to my parents and brother all of three times since December. Mom called to tell me that she loved me. I know in her heart she was trying to invite me. Any other day I would say it was out of the blue. With this...I would call it par for the course! Don't get me wrong I love my parents.


  • Finally-Free

    My mom is trying to encourage™ me to go to the memorial™, and I told her I haven't been invited. She didn't suggest I go to hers with her, but she suggested I go to one in a hall in my city where no one knows me.

    I resent that. It implies that I'm the one who has something to be ashamed of, and that is not the case. I left the cult because of their policy of protecting child molesters. If anyone should feel ashamed it's people who continue to associate with the cult while being aware of its misdeeds.

    Besides, going to a memorial™ would be sending them a wrong message. Attending a memorial™ or any of their meetings would be the same as acknowledging their cult as a legitimate religion, and that's something I won't do.


  • JustTickledPink

    hahaha... I haven't been invited, I actually used to go with my mom just to be nice but she didn't invite me last year and haven't heard from her this year.

    I actually have no idea when it even is! What a relief!

  • ButtLight

    Nope, Im just a termite burried deep in the wood world!

  • Undecided

    Got mine about a week ago from and old bible study of mine and his wife. They are good people and I just might go, maybe not, I would have to wear a tie.

    Ken P.

  • damselfly

    No invite for me! I've only ever been invited by my parents never anyone else. And I've been bumping into JW's everywhere I go lately. The grocery store, the bank, the mall, Tim Horton's (of course!) Even school! Oh well, I guess I'll have to pick out a pretty hot pink nail polish and give myself a pedi, while I watch Bones and the Amazing Race.


  • neverin

    I have never been an active witness as my mom is an unbeleiver although Dad and 2 brothers are elders. I have posted in the past about the cover up of my sexual abuse by a witness so when my dad told me that he would be doing the memorial talk and invited me along I replied " sorry but my concience wont allow me to consort with people who shield child molesters". That felt so good after 30 odd years of making allowances for my dad's concience matters.lol

  • looking_glass

    GOOD FOR YOU Neverin. I hope he realized what you were referring to and it made his conscious kick him in the rear over it.

  • neverin

    Yes looking glass - he did realise because a few days later we were talking on the phone and he asked if I felt he had not been supportive enough. To be honest both my parents have been great and dad did try to get a JC set up, but he was over ridden by the PO and CO - the idea being that they were interested in the sin not the crime!!! Anyway I've come to the conclusion that it would be unkind to put any pressure on my dad to leave the "truth" as he is nearly 70 and he would lose contact with my brothers and their families whereas at the moment he had full contact with all of the family because I was 'neverin'.

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