by RichieRich 324 Replies latest jw friends


    I would have taken that book in a NY minute...and slept like a baby that night!!! I think about so many heroes that have had the courage to take important information to show a scam and the guy that took the info on cigarettes!!! Too bad more people don't have the courage to step up to the plate when the opportunity arises!

    To all the posters that think it's such a big deal...well....


    RR---Thank you!!! I hope you'll ignore and forgive the posters who called you a takes people like you in the world to make heroes!


  • AudeSapere

    It's been more than 24 hours since Richie's posted. Maybe mom pulled the computer??

    I hope you're OK, Richie.

    Can someone with his phone number ring him and make sure he's OK? See if there is anything we can do for him??


  • rebel8

    It has always striked me as extremely silly to keep this book secret. What in it is soooo secret anyway? It was kept in the library of my KH but everyone was instructed not to look in it. It is a policy intended to create a mystique where none should be, and to promote authority of the elders (again where none should be), having "special secret knowledge".

    So silly, and even sillier now that they are fully aware this book is all over the internet. Richie did not steal the secret proprietary formula to Coca Cola or the passwords to launch nuclear missles on China; he stole the paper upon which widely/publicly available words are printed. Silly!! (shakes head)

    I can't help but be reminded from a line in Robin Hood: "And so it begins."

  • mkr32208

    Ok it's not stealing so stop saying it!

    RR I'll support you even if you burn the f*cking hall down!

  • toreador

    I hope you are doing ok Ritchie! Drop a line when u can.

  • arwen

    Richie: you have so much support from all of us here. You are our hero so don't let anyone make you feel bad. People here have suffered so much from the WBTS and without having any resources to fight back in any way..This book might give some one a chance. I, personally thank you for your help in getting some things out in the open where they belong...If you ever want to move to Canda................

  • Kenneson


    Theft is usurping another's property against the reasonable will of the owner. There is no theft if refusal is contrary to reason and the universal destination of goods. This is the case in obvious and urgent necessity when the only way to provide for immediate, essential needs for oneself and family (food, shelter, clothing...) is to put at one's disposal and use the property of others. I'm reminded of New Orleans and Katrina. Some people had to choose between starving and taking food from stores, etc. They chose food. I'm not advocating taking non-essentials like computers, t.v's, furniture, etc. Likewise, it is not theft to take a book that can be used to protect innocent children. People have precedence over property and things.

    Moreover, YOU are more important than that book.

  • stillajwexelder

    I'm the first to admit had I been in Richies shoes, I'd have also taken that book. Sometimes in order to do something good, you may have to do something wrong and if it helps where molestation is concerned...........

    So would I but I would have kept below the radar screen - richie was a little too upfront and "in their face" - and BTW I am a RichieRich fan and a total supporter and agree he has balls but remember we are all trying to win a war here - not the odd battle -and sometimes keeping off the radar screen is a better ploy and tactic

  • MinisterAmos

    It´s only theft if the item has value. Run out the tort law books and you will find that for damages to have occured, there must be a loss that can be measured.

    Again, placing a monetary value on a Dub book would be an exercise in futility because they GIVE THEM AWAY.

    There might be room for a civil suit, but probably not since RR probably doesn´t have anything.

    He could even represent himself which would REALLY annoy the Borg.

  • toreador

    Good advice Stilla!

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