I know that I will be blasted for this on this forum - which mostly still thinks like the Society – since that is their training. But, I agree with you.
Stealing is stealing … no matter what! You DO NOT STEAL, even if it is for what you consider to be ‘GOOD”.
I support Ritchie Rich, if he needs assistance I will help him in whatever way possible, however, I DO NOT condone stealing in any way … for any purpose!
You never stoop to THEIR level!
by RichieRich 324 Replies latest jw friends
""You never stoop to THEIR level! ""
The very point I have been trying to get across. Thank you.
"The very point I have been trying to get across. Thank you."
Don't worry, we are all very well aware of your point. Now i think its nap time. -
A pissed off 17 year old kid takes a book with incriminating evidence that the watchtower’s corporate leaders deny they had ever said and proves them to be the liars that they are. Many have suffered because of their lies and cover-ups and have lost their youth and their families. Some here say he is a bad boy for stealing and insinuates he is a common thief.
Pissed off adult employees present evidence that they “stole” that shows corporate leaders of Enron lied to the government, their investors, and employees. It proved them to be deceitful liars and their trying to cover that up. Many lost their entire retirement investment because of the dishonest deceptions. No one (except for the defendants lawyers) called those who took the evidence and exposed the lies and deceptions, a common thief.
Give me a fricken break people!
If it will make you all feel better I will volunteer to give bad boy Richie a good beating for being a common thief. I’ll just need a little help with some of you holding him down for me. Any volunteers?
Look at the big picture people and quit treating this kid like he just stole from the National treasury.
Dave -
Isn't there a scripture about stealing out of necessity not being the same as stealing out of greed? Has to do with a hungry man stealing bread for his family.
Then there is Jesus who was perfect and who also didn't keep the sabbath quite like the "oh so law abiding" Pharisees thought he should. I recall the brothers teaching that some people miss the point of the spirit of the law.
For all of you who say it's never, ever okay to steal, I wonder if you'd steal to feed your starving child. I wonder if you'd pick up a baseball bat that didn't belong to you to protect yourself against a rabid dog that didn't belong to you.
Get off your soapboxes. None of us is perfect and we all, including you, break rules when it's the better and righter thing to do. Then there is the lesser of the evils. Protect child molesters or take a book that can help STOP molesters? There's your moral obligation there, dear posters: do you advocate protecting child molesters? Would you not do the same thing in Richie's shoes? Take a book with incriminating notes in it to protect children from perverted and sick adults? Think about it. If your answer would be no then please save your dignity and don't tell me. I don't want to know. Go think about it. Think long and hard before you come back here and try to mess with Richie's mind and conscience. He's in enough pain over all of it and his mother's feelings as it is.
Well sadi FHN - love the new avatar BTW
“Strawman” arguments, try again. -
”If it will make you all feel better I will volunteer to give bad boy Richie a good beating for being a common thief. I’ll just need a little help with some of you holding him down for me. Any volunteers?”
Again, wrong argument! Try again. -
Stop with trying to prove points. This Is Richie's thread. Start a new thread about the morality of theft if you feel so strongly about it.
Richie, if you ever find yourself in the westernmost cornerof Washington state, there's beer waiting for you. Good luck! -
Sorry cyd0099. Point taken.
Thanks for the reminder,