PayPal link is here too, along with a photo of Bethany, links, and story:
by SHUNNED FATHER 110 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Shunned Father,
May I ask please, did you raise your children in the JW faith? Did you teach them, as all JWs are taught to do, to reject blood?
Was it after your daughter's diagnosis that you came to a different stand on blood, expecting your family to accept your new stand automatically?
Also, was not your daughter tied down in her hospital bed and forced to receive several blood transfusions?
And, isn't true that after several transfusions the Drs. determined they had done all they could and nothing more could be done?
And that after this your daughter was allowed to leave the hospital.
And that after this your wife and daughter sort alternative medicine without notifying you of their whereabouts?
Please correct my memory if I'm mistaken.
IW knows too many facts or makes up too many to be just another poster on this forum.Outof theorg
Perhaps you should read the history of this matter for yourself before making a judgement.
May I ask please, did you raise your children in the JW faith? Did you teach them, as all JWs are taught to do, to reject blood?
Was it after your daughter's diagnosis that you came to a different stand on blood, expecting your family to accept your new stand automatically?
Also, was not your daughter tied down in her hospital bed and forced to receive several blood transfusions?
And, isn't true that after several transfusions the Drs. determined they had done all they could and nothing more could be done?
And that after this your daughter was allowed to leave the hospital.
And that after this your wife and daughter sort alternative medicine without notifying you of their whereabouts?
Island Woman,
What's your point?
My point is only what I have already stated: is my memory of the situation correct or not. If not then I hope that Shunned Father will correct me.
I don't see a problem with the truth, do you?
I'm sure you can review Shunned Father's posting history if you need to review the history of his daughter's case, or search news archives.
My understanding is that he doesn't have a lot of time to post or respond to questions due to working on the legal battle, so if you want answers to your questions sooner rather than later, doing the review on your own might be your best option.
Hi Scully,
No, I don't need to review his posting history nor do I have the time to do so. I'm confident that you know the situation and if I said something incorrect you yourself would have corrected me. You are an intelligent woman, Scully, and know what is true here and what is not.
IW, People like you that try to derail the real importance of this issue, just piss me off even more, to the point that, after reading your anti-posts, I just doubled my donation to the law suit cause.
Thanks for showing me what a jerk you really are.
There are many "boxes". If you can't bear to even hear the whisper of a disagreeing word then you haven't really left the JWs!
Think about it, Bro!