I'm not rich, but I believe that every little bit can help. I'm sending you a check in the mail. Those who would prefer I do not give have no bearing on what I do. They haven't persuaded me.
by SHUNNED FATHER 110 Replies latest jw friends
Take all you read with a grain of salt.
jgnat said it all.Most news media are very biased. They print what they feel people want to hear, and also only what they feel like printing. They leave out a lot of what is really going on, plus they often get things wrong.
If you ever witnessed any news happening live and read about it when it comes out in the papers or on t.v., you will notice that many times, you will only hear part of the story.
That's why I said, "Don't believe everything you read in the newspapers."
There are over 2,300 views on this post right now.
If only 100 people give $100, Lawrence will have the 10 grand he needs to carry on the fight. or...200 people give $50.
or....400 people give $25. And so on..... What's 25 bucks today? Not a hell of a lot.
So come on, people, dig in and let's give Lawrence the money he needs to fight this battle. It will benefit all of us in the long run. Consider it an investment for your familiys' future.
Just so you'll know I'm not just talk and no action, I gave a good amount, too. If you can't give much, just give what you can.
Great going Lawrence!
I sent money ($200) on PayPal. It's easy, quick, and I did not have to use a stamp. Wish my federal tax refund was here, I'd send more.
p.s. Dear WTS:
If the WTS is reading this......so, are you working on a new blood booklet yet? I "bet" you have a top team dedicated on this project. Will it be ready soon? Perhaps for the Summer assembly? Does it prescribe arsenic, give false hopes of surviving low blood courts? Or, did you decide to tell the "truth" (fractions, hemoglobin, current therapy) and avoid another black eye. Your followers "informed consent" isn't very "informed" or "consensual" is it? It's more like "misinformed coercion" isn't it?
As far as legal counsel ...... I read Mr. Hughes' court case. The judge was not "happy" with the WTS assigning a JW attorney to represent Bethany and another JW attorney to represent Mrs. Hughes, especially since both attorneys were from the same religion/employed by WTS. Legal ethics require that a law firm not represent opposing views. Plus, since Bethany was a minor and your assigning her biased legal counsel was not in her "best interests." She was a MINOR who could not choose whether or not to take a blood transfusion. How did you convince the court that it was in her best interests to have a JW attorney who was from the same "organization" as her mother's? Perhaps, the Canadian Bar would be interested in your client representation schemes....
j2s said:
"i am hard pressed to find anything he has ever posted that wasn't a request for funds, make of that what you will..."
Taking your research at face value, and assuming it is correct, I offer the following reasonable explanations:
Lawrence has a full time job as well as full schedule after working trying to put together his legal case. He certainly doesn't have the time, (nor, I suspect, the inclination) to waste his evenings they way I do (for example) on JWD.
Or perhaps he is busy on another board, I don't know.
At any rate, I would agree with your concern if this was an "unknown" walking in off the street asking for money. However, Lawrence's reputation and veracity are well established -- his low JWD post counter notwithstanding.
If you don't feel comfortable contributing to a civil case that could do some serious damage to WTS (both financial and reputation damage) then don't contribute.
To the rest of you, I understand that many of us have been left with poor incomes thanks to our getting advanced degrees in Awakism and Watchtowerology instead of a real education. But if you can put $5 or $10 "in the hat", please do.
For the record, I have personally contributed more than one day's (net) pay.
Why do I care? Why am I here advocating for Lawrence? Simply because I feel the case has merit and an excellent chance of success. The fact that a win will hurt WTS finances and reputation is my prime motivation; seeking justice for the estate of a sweet little girl that let a relgious cult wreck her treatment and encourage her to poison herself... well, that's even better motivation.
~Q -
I will also donate again Laurence. I believe in your fight and I believe that if you win this it will help many of our families to actually SEE the Watchtower Society as just a group of MEN masquerading as something HOLY with no rights to our lives and families.
Every fight AGAINST this corporation is worthy of our support!!!
Hey, if you're reading this David Gnam which I am sure you are: you are a sick twisted MF and God will deal with you when you are finally 6 feet under.
For the 'skeptics' of Bethany's case. Perhaps she would have survived, and perhaps she would have died anyway, in time, BUT some of her vital choices and options were taken from her.
WTBTS TAKE NOTE - the blood transfusions that Bethany received did NOT kill her.
Arsenic did NOT save her.
The child was pushed into a corner by a 'religion' masquerading as God's mouthpiece on Earth, and died with treatment options taken from her.
Everyone deserves the right to a full range of options in treatment, and she had been fooled into believing that she wasn't allowed a treatment that might have prolonged her life.
WTBTS - What's wrong with 'prolonging ones life?' We eat to prolong our lives, and we breathe to prolong our lives, so why not accept blood in medical necessities to prolong life?
Bethany may have lived a few days, weeks, months, or years longer.....we will never know now, but her chances were stripped from her and that is why the WTBTS has to pay for it's Foolish stance as 'God's mouthpiece on Earth.'
SHUNNED FATHER - I'm just struggling (again) with my Paypal account but will donate to help you fight Goliath. My Aunt donated a lot of money to the WTBTS before she died. I was given some of her jewellry. I think it will be appropriate payback to sell her jewellry and give the money to your cause. It won't be a lot but it will be something. I hope it helps.
I will donate 100 % ( up to $500.00 ) of all income from the sale of my book , "In The Truth " for the quarter of April, May and June. You may review the book by clicking on the banner at the top of this site or Google , "Paul McCool " or go to any major bookstore and order it ( online or otherwise ).
This is a fight that MUST be supported. I lost my wife and kids to the WTS thirty years ago and not a day goes by that I think how I could have had a life with my kids if it weren't for the Watchtower Society.
From the heart,
Paul McCool
Shunned Father - I have a couple of questions because I am confused.
Your earlier threads suggested that you were looking at obtaining legal counsel that specializes in class actions/torts. Were you unable to secure legal counsel? If so, did they not take the case on a contingency basis? I know you are in Canada, so the set up may be different.
You also mentioned that the doc changed his position from your original conversation and then what he represented to the court. Were no depositions taken? Was there nothing in writing as to this man's medical opinion?
you said " at any rate, i would agree with your concern if this was an "unknown" walking in off the street asking for money. however, lawrence's reputation and veracity are well established-- his low jwd post counter notwithstanding."
first of all, it wasn't the number of posts but the content...if you have a relative, and the only time that relative contacts you is when they need money; then naturally you might have a few questions for them. and if you ask these questions and instead of getting an answer, your relative's friends attack you verbally because you asked these questions; then guess what, that looks suspicious.
as far as shunned father being an "unknown"...that is exactly what he is to me and many others here. we are all "unknown". as jgnaut and hubert pointed out you can't believe what is written. and that is all any of us here are---words on a page. i do know something about you through your website(one of the first and one of the more benificial sites i ran across) and i almost cried with joy when i realized the tactical mistake the wtb&ts had made in attacking you through the courts, but i don't know you. and you don't know me. i don't think you would be assured of anything just because i told you it was ok. i have never asked anyone to not give their money to lawrence hughes, just like i don't ask them to not give their money to the wtb&ts...it is each individual's choice. one of the first things we did when we began to see the light was to quit giving the org money. and i realize that they would be mighty unhappy if they knew, but they don't.
i realize this man is your friend and that you wish to support him, but don't let your pleas for help turn into demands for assistance. j2s
as for those who freak out and start name calling and accusing and threatening everytime your own little borg is questioned i just don't understand...you didn't escape, you just changed prisons.