A good plan, carefully thought out can work wonders.
I learned this the hard way. When my husband and I split I had no plan, no money, no where to live. I ended up in places, situations and relatationships because I needed to survive not because they were what I needed. The second time around I am planning way in advance (and possibly not needed if I don't pass the interviews) I don't need to end up the way I did 4 years ago, trying to attend school on an empty belly living in a slummy part of town because it's cheap.
If you can get through and survive an abusive marriage, even if the abuse is not physical, then you do have the skills to manage on your own.
This statement is so very true. The human instinct for survival and the coping skills we come up with is astounding. When I look at my past I think that if I survived all that at such a young age then there isn't anything I can't do. With the proper planning of course.