What does 'accurate knowledge' have to do with worship and praise?

by AK - Jeff 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Not that the jdubs have the 'accurate knowledge' anyway. But it seems to me that if I was the Creator I would appreciate all who showed appreciation in song and word, no matter the level of accuracy. Just what the hell does that have to do with praising God when you think of it?

    As I sit here listening to some contemporary Christian songs of praise I cannot imagine God saying to the singers of such "You are consigned to everlasting death due to the inaccurate nature of some of the lyrics". Funny when I was a dub I thought the 'accurate knowledge' argument made all the sense in the world. Mental freeedom is great!


  • KW13

    i agree that surely if you WANT to serve God and follow in the footsteps of Jesus your better than those who want to be able to answer correctly each time.

    Its not what you know its what is going on in your heart.

    We had a term at our Kingdom hall for those who always had the right answer but no heart in it. The RAF - Right Answer Finders.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    The RAF - Right Answer Finders.

    Interesting term for it, KW.


  • Carmel

    One has to ask what their definition of "innacurate knowledge" is considering theirs changes so often like the traffic light!


  • yaddayadda

    the terms 'accurate knowledge' is pretty much unique to the NWT anyways.

    The Society idolises so-called 'accurate knowledge'. It is their mantra. Look through any typical Watchtower magazine and all you see are pictures of dubbies dutifully studying (JW publications). John 17: 3 is more important to them than John 3:16. It would be interesting to find out how many times the word 'knowledge' is used in comparison to Jesus Christ. 'Accurate knowledge' has more to do with JW's personal salvation than Jesus Christ, because it asserts that no matter how much love and faith you have for Christ, it matters not a jot in God's eyes if you do not have 'accurate knowledge' about a few things that JW's consider so absolutely crucial to know! The Society keeps promoting the importance of 'accurate knowledge' ad nauseum because it keeps JW's imagining that they alone are the only religion worshipping in 'spirit and truth' and all other Christians are practising false worship, are thus worthless in God's eyes, and are doomed to destruction.

  • caligirl

    Good point Jeff, and I agree. Absolutely nothing. Praise and worship come from the heart. Isn't that what faith is all about? Faith is not logical by any means, yet it can bring peace and comfort. Worship or praise is the same, in my opinion. Highly personal, not defined by logic.

  • VM44

    The Watchtower has been dispensing "inaccurate knowledge" through out the years!


  • aniron

    Just how much "accurate knowledge" does it take to gain everlasting life?

    When the Apostle Paul was asked what a person had to do to be saved he said "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved."

    He did not say "Have a book study for six months, so you can have "accurate knowledge"

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Their "accurate knowledge" is necessary 'spiritual food' for the full jw experience - i t's the leaven of their beliefs

    ..knowledge puffs up, but love builds up..

  • luna2

    As you said, JWs make so much of having "accurate knowledge" as if that is one of the supreme reasons why they are Jehohum's people and nobody else. But they don't have accurate knowledge at all. As carmel said, the "new light" keeps changing everything that they once taught was accurate, meaning that it wasn't accurate in the first place.

    If there is a Jehovah and that's what He expects, perhaps He'd better improve communication with His worshippers because they seem to be floundering in a swamp of inaccuracies.

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