She found an envelope with my name and "personal & confidential" typed on it taped to the door of our apartment. I asked her to open it and read it, and evidently there is some evidence of apostacy that they want to review with me this Saturday (4-21-06) at 7:30 pm.
The funny thing is that I have not been to a meeting since 1993, the last time I was at a Circuit Assembly or District Convention was 1995! I know that I have been spotted going to my church (3 blocks from the King-dumb Hell). I also know that I have been seen evangelizing in the neighborhood. This King-dumb Hell is the one I used to attend, and is about a block from my apartment.
I am most curious why they want to talk to me considering the fact that they have done nothing that remotely resembles "shepherding" to me. My wife says I shouuldn't give them the time of day, but part of me wonders if I was recognized during my Memorial night shout at the J-Dubs at the Alex.
Like I said I am curious to find out what this is all about. What point do they think that they can make? Do they think that I am going to suddenly kowtow to their whims, after 14 years of freedom?
What do you guys think? Go or no go? And a brief reason why.