My Wife Just Called Me...

by XJW4EVR 55 Replies latest jw friends


    She found an envelope with my name and "personal & confidential" typed on it taped to the door of our apartment. I asked her to open it and read it, and evidently there is some evidence of apostacy that they want to review with me this Saturday (4-21-06) at 7:30 pm.

    The funny thing is that I have not been to a meeting since 1993, the last time I was at a Circuit Assembly or District Convention was 1995! I know that I have been spotted going to my church (3 blocks from the King-dumb Hell). I also know that I have been seen evangelizing in the neighborhood. This King-dumb Hell is the one I used to attend, and is about a block from my apartment.

    I am most curious why they want to talk to me considering the fact that they have done nothing that remotely resembles "shepherding" to me. My wife says I shouuldn't give them the time of day, but part of me wonders if I was recognized during my Memorial night shout at the J-Dubs at the Alex.

    Like I said I am curious to find out what this is all about. What point do they think that they can make? Do they think that I am going to suddenly kowtow to their whims, after 14 years of freedom?

    What do you guys think? Go or no go? And a brief reason why.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    Busted holmes!

    retun the envelope and say "my reply is located on jwd [insert link here]"

    you know they will want to go online . he he he

    or go to it and record it!!!!

  • daystar

    No go. Why? Because they have no authority over you... unless you're just curious as to why they'd bother after so long. I think I might be. Geesh, it's been 15 years for me. I think I'd freak the hell out were they to try to track me down. I think I'd have to threaten harassment suit.

  • Nina

    Let's see.....they posted person and confidential information about you in a public place where it was found and read by another person....

    I'd be visiting an attorney, not attending a committee meeting.


  • misanthropic

    Wow, it's been that long and yet their still trying to get you. I don't know what you should do. I wouldn't go because I do not and have not considered myself a witness for quite some time and I was just child of 14 when I was baptized. Hmmm I have been out for a little over 10 years and now I am convinced more than ever I need to send them a letter disassociating myself.

  • PoppyR

    I had a disagreement with an elder about this, I know of a woman who was not a witness for more than 10 years, but was then seen attending a local church.. so she was disfellowshipped.

    Now the scripture clearly says "anyone that says he is a brother" And the guidelines are if anyone considers you to be a witness.

    Clearly nobody does, it's pure and simple vendetta. What a waste of time and energy. It makes me feel lke DAing just because at least you know it's OVER! It seems you can never fade succesfully!


  • Finally-Free

    When I left I DA'd because I wanted them out of my life ASAP. I had already squandered the best years of my life with them, and I wasn't going to waste any more of my time. Since you've been away from them for so long I don't see any point in acknowledging their existance. They like to think of themselves as important, but they're nothing. I wouldn't even waste money visiting a lawyer. It's easy enough to send them a registered letter telling them any further attempts at communication would be viewed as harassment and would be reported to the police.


  • Honesty

    Have your attorney send a copy of their letter back to them along with instructions that if they harrass you or make any announcement at their KH he will immediately file slander and libel suits against each individual elder in that congregation. Their beloved god, the "Faithful Discreet Slave" will disavow them and they know it. Works every time.

  • JAVA
    I'd be visiting an attorney, not attending a committee meeting.

    I agree! However, if you go, tell them legal counsel will be attending with you. Then say, "what time is that meeting again, who is bringing the charges, and the names of the elders would be helpful?"

  • jgnat
    I asked her to open it and read it, and evidently there is some evidence of apostacy that they want to review with me this Saturday (4-21-06) at 7:30 pm.

    Don't go. You are disassociated by your actions long ago. If they try and contact you again, ask them under what authority they think they have any influence over your life? Tell them to go check with Bethel, they missed a procedure.

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