Goodbye, and Thanks For All the Fish......

by Prisca 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farkel


    Please don't go! I'm trying to start up a new board with Obed! Really! (Ok, I lied!)

    Prisca: please reconsider. I care a lot about you and I know you care a lot about me.

    : I am leaving because I cannot be a part of a forum that condones abuse and deliberate offensiveness towards other posters.

    You were a dub until rather recently, right? If I'm correct then as a dub you recall that dubs are the most abusive and offensive people one could imagine who condone abuse and deliberate offensiveness to those not-their-own, right?

    In around March of this year there was a mass exodus from H20 to here. It was originally started by a note from UncleBruce (my hero) to me. Then I announced my departure and those who lovingly built H20 left and came here. "Rick" is still pissed off about that as his board languishes and dies.

    As I recall, you were one of those who regretted that migration, yet this board has exploded in posts, readers and lurkers since then. You cannot deny this. Brooklyn Bethel watches this board with ferocity, as they used to watch the old H20. Everything that is significant gets put here first. The other boards get sloppy seconds.

    Yes, this board has changed and yes, there are adjustments and problems associated with that. Take what you like and forget about what you don't like.

    I do. And I'm tough, but I'm not that tough.

    : I am disappointed in the way Simon has let this place degenerate over the past 6 months

    Simon is another of my heroes, and he is a very wise man to let this board regulated itself, as bumpy as it might be from time-to-time.

    : Intellectual debate is fine, but personal insults (ala being called an a***hole every 5 mins) is not acceptable

    You haven't been called that every five minutes, my dear, but if you want that to be so, I'll work on it!

    Farkel, of the pleading to keep the sensitive types on thie board Class

    "When in doubt, duck!"

  • Seeker


    You and I have always gotten along just fine. I'm not aware of any occasion when we have argued. In chat, we have even defended each other. Therefore, I hope you will take what I say in the spirit it is intended:

    I have lived with abuse in my past, and one thing I have learnt is that you do not have to put yourself in situations where you will be abused.

    Correct. Yet I have noticed many occasions when you have jumped into a thread to chide a poster. No doubt there is a past history with him or her that I'm not aware of, but the point is that you have, at times, 'volunteered' for situations that are ripe for arguments. Now, I recognize this, for I do it too. At times it gets wearying to me, and I need to take a break.

    May I suggest that you do the same, and then come back? And if the arguments are wearying to you, try to do what I often fail to do: avoid tricky situations entirely. Don't jump into arguments. Don't chide people you have had a history with. Let it go. It helps.

  • dungbeetle

    I will miss you dear Prisca. Hope to see you again soon. up the crap.

  • Introspection

    Abuse? Well now that you mention it I guess I have seen some thread titles to that effect, I just don't read them. Sorry to hear that Prisca, I had no idea. I suppose I will continue in my ignorance until it's all abusive. I certainly don't think me hanging out here in my own corner implies my approval of any of it though. I just have no clue what's going on!

  • Satanus


    Duglas Adams.


  • ballistic

    sorry about that but just as there's 6 million witnesses, there are millions of boards. Some of them just don't come up on searches. and for obvious reasons.
    before coming here a couple of months ago, I was on Tim C's, and I was well and trully happy there, the truth is, the more people active on a board, the more trouble makers you will also attract.
    Tim C's board is:
    it is quiet but the people are honest truthfull and never in competition.
    try it. I still go back there about every 2 - 3 nights.

  • teejay


    I think you know my thoughts on this sad little post of yours, but I'm going to say it anyway...

    I think your leaving is a huge mistake.

    And a cop out.

    And, basically, I think you're a wimp.

    And I understand.


    At least one other champion has quit posting here recently, having had enough of the b.s., and the place is clearly worse as a result, imo. Now you.

    One thing I've found is that at this point in our lives those of us who post here generally now have only one thing in common with other posters: our former association with the Society. Other than that, there is generally little harmony, courtesy, respect for divergent opinions, a quest for a broader understanding of people unlike us.

    Some of the people here were jerks as dubs and continue to be jerks, steadfastly refusing to learn the basic lessons of life -- disrespectful, intolerant, mean-spirited people without an ounce of care or concern for the feelings and well-being of anyone but themselves. Well... I guess I'm preaching to the choir, eh?

    Anyway, stay in touch, Sis. You know *I* will.

    peace and all good things,
    todd ~ already missing his friend Prisca


    If you're still hanging onto a dead dream of yesterday, laying flowers on its grave by the hour, you cannot be planting the seeds for a new dream to grow today. -- Joyce Chapman

  • bajarama

    Sometimes it rains, sommetimes it pours. In the end it's all ying and yang.

    See ya in a couple of weeks.


  • COMF

    Hope ya come back, hon.


  • Esmeralda

    Hey Prisca,

    Sorry to hear you feel you need to go. I certainly understand it though! I remember being so ticked off at Rick on H2O when I first got there. Someone said that something I said was stupid or some such thing, and he posted to me that I was now swimming with sharks and would either put on a wire mesh suit and learn how to swim or I'd be eaten alive. I can see now that I was learning a valuable lesson.

    I have learned several since then. Some here on this board. One of the first was that not everyone in life is going to like you, no matter how you are or what you do. Some will see sensitivity as weakness, some will see strength as bitchyness. It's all in the eye of the beholder.

    There are people whose posts I read, others who could call me every vile name in the book and I couldn't care less. I know who I am. I don't need validation anymore from other people. And that is something that I can't say was true of me two years ago! I also learned that people can only abuse me if I let them. I've learned where to draw the line and quit trying to argue with people who aren't listening anyway.

    Perhaps realizing that I didn't really care what people in general think of me is the best lesson I have learned from these boards after living in Dubland, and wanting to please everyone all the time. Now, I do the best I can, and at the end of the day, I can live with that.

    Do whatever your heart tells you. Keep the friends you've made close, if you do go. True good friends are hard to find in this life. You will be missed if you do go.

    health and happiness!

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