Y'know, Rich, if there's a sympathetic counsellor at school, you ought to have a little chat with them...
UPDATE 2: Since Freedom is Free, Why is it Taxed?
by RichieRich 190 Replies latest jw friends
two words, Direct Deposit, she can't get your money if you don't need to cash a check, makes me so mad to read what shes doing to you all because of a stupid cult, all the best, and hey living on your own is fun I did it at 17 and I had a blast!
Your mom is playing dirty, and maybe she needs to learn that, whether she likes it or not, you have legal rights. I advise finding out what your rights are under the circumstances. I'm sure she can't steal your money. You earned it and probably paid taxes on it. She can't take your car if it's registered to you. She can't open your mail. All you've done is exercise your right to freedom of religion.
I can appreciate charging you room and board. I cannot appreciate taking YOUR money and YOUR property if it is not illegal and you paid for it. This is just wrong.
Time to go to the school counselor regarding religious abuse and discuss your options of remaining in school and graduating, and getting out of the house on your own. Difficult to do if you don't have your savings and arent allowed any more money than your expenses.
Do you have a relative you can live with?
Ritchie, this is probably one of the toughest time in your life that you'll ever have to experiene. You have your head set squarely on your shoulders, but that doesn't mean that this stuff isn't really scary. Hang in there. I'm sending love and hugs and possitive vibes.
I might be going out a little bit on this one but...
The more I hear about your parents reaction the more I am getting a glimpse into your upbringing. Your mom is obviously very abusive emotionally, and your dad doesn't tell her to knock it off (parental neglect is a form of abuse), or he is abusive as well.
Once your short term necessities are tended to, I really hope you take the time to recognize and deal with the abuse you have clearly received. That might be difficult for someone as "hardcore" as yourself to admit. But I think If you don't try to understand how this has affected you, you will go on to abused again by others, maybe in different ways. Or you might become abusive in your future relationships. Counseling is expensive, and a good counselor is hard to find.
Until you can find/afford one, I would recommend reading The Emotionally Abusive Relationship: How to Stop Being Abused, and How to Stop Abusing by Beverly Engel.
When you really get down to it, cults are fundamentally a control and abuse issue. That is why your momma fits in so well.
Take care bro
You mother is probably not thinking real clearly at this point and the "sword" she's wildly waving about has two edges.
Opening your mail without your permission, for example, will become a felony once you reach majority (Saturday?) Many parents (And some employers too for that matter) have a hard time with this. Mail belongs to the legal recipient, which is not always the same entity as the owner of the property.
Most of the other things you've described would also be illegal as hell were you not currently a minor.
Richie open Po Box the minutes you have one let me Know I’ll send u $ U.S $ lol.
we should all try to help R now he need us the must
I'm sure the jw's dont' care how they look to us non jw's, however, when I tell anyone the continuing story of Richie people are appalled. The bring 'reproach' upon jahs org themselves. As if the all the other stuff isn't enough!
The more I hear about your parents reaction the more I am getting a glimpse into your upbringing. Your mom is obviously very abusive emotionally, and your dad doesn't tell her to knock it off (parental neglect is a form of abuse), or he is abusive as well.
I fully agree with CYP on this Richie. What your mom is doing, is exactly what my mother did to me for over 18 years. Even when I was 19 and a legal adult, she still went through all of my things and was constantly confiscating things. And it is abuse...both mental and emotional.
Starting Saturday, open a bank account, get direct deposit, save your money and get the duck outa' fodge!!!!
I luv you sweetie and I think about you everyday. You're a good kid.
luv, jojo
Your mom is obviously very abusive emotionally, and your dad doesn't tell her to knock it off (parental neglect is a form of abuse), or he is abusive as well.
CYP and Undercover hit the nail on the head. Dad is very consumed by his work, and thinks that that somehow negates any other obligations he has to family. He justs wants mom to shut up, and however he can do that is what he does.
Z- I went during lunch and talked to some people about PO Boxes. Its like over 100 bucks. i've never used it- but could western union do something easier?
I wouldn't be suprised to be out of my house tonight. You can't be suprised by things like this- you can only be prepared. But I can't prepare.
Damn this cult.
Nemo me impune lacessit.