R I have your pm I don’t need any return will do tomorrow I have to go now to tack my dog to the vet but will be back in 3hr or so stand tall R
UPDATE 2: Since Freedom is Free, Why is it Taxed?
by RichieRich 190 Replies latest jw friends
You guys don't know my mom. Things like that take weeks. I'm working under a lot stricter time constraints.
Plus, she'd be like "go ahead, I don't care". She's losing it.
You're right, Richie, I don't know your mom. But I do know CPS will show up at her house TODAY if you call them and explain that your mother has gone mental because you don't want to be a JW anymore and is abusing you because of it. She is endangering you, she is stealing from you, she is attempting to control your every move. She's treating you like an axe murderer, and you haven't done anything except express your Fundamental Right to worship as you see fit.
She won't care until CPS shows up at her door and you tell them that you want her arrested for child abuse.
She won't care until CPS shows up at her door and you tell them that you want her arrested for child abuse.
I will re-state, how can anybody do this to someone they still love? This has only been going on for a few days. It's only when Richie has lost all respect for his mother that he'll be moved to take this action. If he doesn't, I surely won't blame him. He's already going through enough shock. Give him some time to build up the courage to stand up for himself. If he's never done it before, he'll need to take baby steps. If anything, he should start with getting direct deposit.
Now, if Richie hated his mother for years, that would be a different story.
(( )) Every time you talk about your mom she sounds exactly like mine. Mine did almost the exactly same things you said yours did in your OP. When controlling people start to lose their grip, they start acting desperately and tighten the control back on. You're turning 18 and have denounced her religion, so it's sensible for her to release her control, but noooo, gotta try to be punishing etc.
Anyway, not that I know every single detail & all.....but my $.02 is to give her a few weeks to cool off, try to comply during the few weeks & see if she calms down. If not, you could try to meet with both your parents to set the rules for the future. (Maybe it's just me, but my situation was insane & my dad only knew part of my mother's antics. I didn't want to use one parent against the other, and I was taught that if I asked my father to override my mother Jehovah would hate me.....so I didn't at the time. Looking back, I realize I should have asked my dad to intervene vs. accept the emotional abuse. A few yrs ago I told my dad what had happened, and he was really upset I didn't let him know.)
Can you get a credit card & list the address on your account as your P.O. box? That way you'll have it in case you need emergency cash, if you're thrown out of the house.
Scully, do you know how difficult this is for a person who has had nothing but love for their parent (at least up until this point)? I had a hard enough time even thinking about getting a police escort to have my guitar amp returned.
I understand where you're coming from, Nos, and yes, you're right, it isn't easy to make this call.
A teacher or school counsellor could do it for him. The Law is on his side. She is WRONG on so many levels. She thinks she has the right to persecute Richie for making a choice to not be a JW; she doesn't have that right.
That might be an interesting psychological counterstrike tactic, though: Remind mom that persecuting him like this is making him realize that his beliefs are right and hers are wrong.
Oh Richie! I'd be SOOOO tempted to do what Scully suggested. Don't know what CPS would think of a 6' 4" 300lb bloke complaining about his mother abusing him BUT I should would give it a go.
Haven't you got a mate you know you can bunk up with for now?
Sooner or later, you've got to shift your ass into gear, and if you're making enough money, what the hell are you doing at home being abused by your daft old JW Mum in the first place?
Whatever you do Richie, don't let her steal from you, or control you, otherwise, what was the point. As a Mum myself, I'd say move out and move on. She'll get over it and so will you. Don't take NO shit from anyone anymore......otherwise, what was the point of all this in the first place?
Hope it goes well for you Richie! Stand up and be a Man. Mum can't hurt you unless you let her. Let us know what the CPS have to say. I hope they kick you mum's ass, arrest her and make her give your money back....and don't forget to Press charges.. She should be in the clink for a couple of days at least and the house will be yours. Think of all that peace and quiet!!
Rich, you have a pm.
If she hits you before you turn 18, it's child abuse. If she hits you after 18, it's assult. Either way, it's her name in the paper, and a few days in county jail, and saturday mornings picking up trash on the highways (community service).
Jeh-hobbie would not be too pleased. I would make sure that she is aware of all this.
-silent -
A long time ago you posted a thread where you were selling some very cool "apostate" t-shirts, etc. Cant remember the site where you were advertising.
Did that little venture fall through? If not, lets say each of us bought an apostate "t-shirt" from Richie....??
Alternatively, count on my support if you set up a PO box for some donations.