UPDATE 2: Since Freedom is Free, Why is it Taxed?

by RichieRich 190 Replies latest jw friends

  • candidlynuts

    really, god is punishing you with DEATH (according to WTBS).. why is she workng so hard to make your life so miserable?

    ask her..

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll

    Hey his mum was missing for an hour after the meeting, you can bet *someone* was giving her ideas how to treat richie..

  • merfi

    Hey Richie,

    I'm kind of a newbie, but wanted to tell you that I've been following the whole story and have TONS of respect and admiration for you. I wish you the best.... hang in there.


  • Scully

    Since you aren't 18 yet, call Child Protective Services and charge your mother with abuse.

    When the Child Protective Services people show up, explain that you decided that you did not want to belong to your mother's religion, and this is what she is doing to you in return, and your dad is being complicit in her abusing you.

    Tell them you want to lay charges of theft against your mother for the $200 and the property she stole from you. Tell them that you need their help with getting legal aid to get your mother to stay out of your business (restraining order). Tell them that you want them to know that this is what Jehovah's Witnesses do to their children when their children don't want to belong to the cult anymore.

    You could also threaten to call Dr Phil and go public with how Jehovah's Witnesses mentally and emotionally abuse their children who do not want to remain in their stupid little cult. You could get a free trip to LA, all expenses paid by Dr Phil out of the deal.

    Your mother will back off SO FAST it will make your head spin. Bringing Reproach On Jehovah™ is almost as big a no-no as Apostacy™. It's almost guaranteed that your mother will return everything she took from you and leave you alone if you threaten to expose the JWs (and especially her) as being a toxic and abusive environment for children.

  • z

    R I’ll pay for the Po Box just go and f*** do it now I’m sure we all going to help .
    just pm me your info and tomorrow I’m going to send $ .you need our help right now

    Look I was never JW but this f*** cult make me sick 2yrs ago I did not know what is JW
    Today I do and I’m so sick about it if I can help one I saved the world


  • Legolas

    Since you aren't 18 yet, call Child Protective Services and charge your mother with abuse.

    When the Child Protective Services people show up, explain that you decided that you did not want to belong to your mother's religion, and this is what she is doing to you in return, and your dad is being complicit in her abusing you.

    Tell them you want to lay charges of theft against your mother for the $200 and the property she stole from you. Tell them that you need their help with getting legal aid to get your mother to stay out of your business (restraining order). Tell them that you want them to know that this is what Jehovah's Witnesses do to their children when their children don't want to belong to the cult anymore.

    You could also threaten to call Dr Phil and go public with how Jehovah's Witnesses mentally and emotionally abuse their children who do not want to remain in their stupid little cult. You could get a free trip to LA, all expenses paid by Dr Phil out of the deal.

    Your mother will back off SO FAST it will make your head spin. Bringing Reproach On Jehovah™ is almost as big a no-no as Apostacy™. It's almost guaranteed that your mother will return everything she took from you and leave you alone if you threaten to expose the JWs (and especially her) as being a toxic and abusive environment for children.

    I agree 100%

  • RichieRich
    It's almost guaranteed that your mother will return everything she took from you and leave you alone if you threaten to expose the JWs (and especially her) as being a toxic and abusive environment for children.

    You guys don't know my mom. Things like that take weeks. I'm working under a lot stricter time constraints.

    Plus, she'd be like "go ahead, I don't care". She's losing it.

  • lonelysheep
    Since you aren't 18 yet, call Child Protective Services and charge your mother with abuse.

    When the Child Protective Services people show up, explain that you decided that you did not want to belong to your mother's religion, and this is what she is doing to you in return, and your dad is being complicit in her abusing you.

    Good idea.

    I know you may not want to, but it is something that may work in your benefit. I don't want to see you kicked out, Ritchie. Even if it meant the state helps you with an independent living program, so you wouldn't have to bother saving up for your own apartment. It'd be given to you.

  • startingover

    I am absolutely disgusted at your mom's actions, as I can envision my parent's doing the same thing. I suppose I understand she's acting out from an extremely stressful situation for her. But from what I've read it doesn't seem like the situation will get better. I was totally impressed by your comeback to Eduardo's "suggestions" in another thread, and it appears from your reaction to your mother's latest actions that growing up with her has caused you to become a very diplomatic.

    I would be more than willing to help you out with a few $$$ to get you on your feet. Get yourself a checking and a paypal account linked to it. The transfer of cash is very easy. If the number of people concerned about you contributed even $10 it could really accumulate.

  • Nosferatu
    Since you aren't 18 yet, call Child Protective Services and charge your mother with abuse.

    Scully, do you know how difficult this is for a person who has had nothing but love for their parent (at least up until this point)? I had a hard enough time even thinking about getting a police escort to have my guitar amp returned.

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